Chapter 7.

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I woke up on Saturday morning still thinking about what had happened the day before as I went downstairs to get my breakfast. I wondered through the kitchen getting my milk and cereal while Duff was on the phone.

"What? Ok slow down I can't hear you,"

I sheepishly half listened as I was pouring my cereal.

"Shit, um yeah I'll be here all day anyway so whenever you want,"

He sounded serious but I didn't take much notice.

"Y-yeah sure it's no problem, as long as you want, it's fine, yeah I'll check you later man, bye."

With that he left in a rush without saying anything to me and I tried to finish by cereal without passing out in it.


The afternoon sun was beaming through my window as I was dancing around my room listening to my ultimate mix tape that I made last summer.

It got to the guitar solo in play that funky music white boy and got up onto my bed and started doing air guitar. I was really into it as I heard the doorbell ring so I jumped of my bed and paused my tape player.

I opened the front door and there was Axl, with a backpack.

"I'll get Duff," I said hiding the surprise in my voice not really wanting to talk to him.

I walked over to he stairs and shouted "DUFFFFFFFF," up the stairs, no answer.

"Em, I'll be back in a second you can come in if you want," I ran upstairs regretting my choice to wear sweatpants and a jumper today.

I flung the door to Duffs bedroom where he sat with his headphones on.

"Hey asshat, I thought you were gonna warn me before you're asshole friends came over, Axl's downstairs," I pulled his headphones off.

"Oh shit yeah, about that, he's staying with us for a while," he said sheepishly

"What do you mean staying with us?" I asked cautiously, scared of the answer

"I mean like living with us," He knew I was gonna go mental because I could see the fear building up inside his eyes.

"Are. you. fucking. kidding. me?" I whisper yelled not wanting Axl to hear

"He had a massive fight with his parents again because he got suspended after the fight and they basically kicked him out," Duff said

I sighed, how the fuck was I meant to argue with that. "For fuck sake, you could've at least warned me, asshole,"

"I forgot," he shrugged

I slapped him in the face. Hard. And smiled. "It's fine, I feel better now,"

"Owwwwww what the fuck?" He rubbed the left side of his face

"Well maybe next time you'll remember not to forget, he can sleep in the basement and go to your little band rehearsals in the garage but other then eating he can't come in the house,"

"Fine, whatever but I'm gonna get you back for that slap,"


Axl has arrived about an hour ago and he was in the basement unpacking his stuff and duff was in his own room. I nervously but my nails and paced around my room.

Stephanie was gonna hate me even more now that Axl's literally living in my house and I can't do anything about it.

I needed to talk to Axl. The way I left things when he arrived made me feel awkward in my own home and I hated it. I walked towards my door but hesitated, What was I going to say to him? What did I want to say?

I got butterflies when I thought about confronting him but the atmosphere in the house was uncomfortable so I pushed through my fear and forced myself downstairs and out the front door. As I walked around my house to the basement doors I slowed down with every step. Reluctantly I opened the doors and climbed into the basement.

I walked down the stairs and saw Axl facing the other way busy unpacking.

"We should get the guys over and rehearse I have a few ideas for the talent show-, Oh," he heard me coming and obviously thought i was Duff.

I have to say the disappointed face he made when he saw me did make my heart sink a bit but I persevered.

"Nice to see you too," I acted unbothered

"Do you want something?" He quizzed like he was pissed at me

"Yeah, actually, I just wanted to say that just because you're living in my house, it doesn't mean I want to be around you, so if you could stay away from me as much as possible that would be great." I tried my hardest to come across intimidating but I don't think it worked very well because he just looked at me and laughed

"Do you not think that I was planning on doing that anyway? You're the  reason that I got kicked out, why would I want to be around you?" He looked hurt and disgusted which made my stomach churn

"How the fuck am I the reason you got kicked out? I didn't throw any punches," I glared

"If you had just fucking talked to me when i asked instead of letting your guard dog boyfriend do all the talking none of this would've happened,"

"Ok first of all I did not "let him do the talking" I just didn't want to talk to you, I don't control what he says, second he's not my fucking boyfriend,"

"Does he know that? You're all over each other all the time and, I was going to apologise, but there's no way in hell that I will now,"

"You were going to apologise? Ill believe it and if i didn't know any better I'd say you were jealous,"

"Hah, you wish, why would I be jealous of some asshole who's gonna peak in high school?"

"I saw the way you looked at him at the party when he pulled me onto his lap and when I went to see if he was alright after the fight instead of you,"

He paused for a second not knowing how to respond then all of a sudden regained his composure and look me right in the eyes. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you want me to like you,"

"Are you high? Get your head out your ass, why would I want that? I've known you for a week and you've already made my life ten times harder," I wasn't gonna let him make me feel stupid but he didn't back down either

"Stephanie told me how jealous you looked when we were making out in the hall yesterday," he slowly walked towards me

"You can fuck off with that, are you really gonna believe something Stephanie said? she's obsessed with you and she hates me," I almost yelled, my blood was boiling, the mixture of my hatred of Stephanie and my frustration with Axl was making me explode.

"Someone's getting feisty," he smirked

"Ughhhhh fuck you," I yelled and stormed out of the basement. I could head him laughing at my frustration behind me but I kept walking because if I stayed I would have slapped him or hit him or something and I don't know how he have retaliated.

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