Chapter 10 - Roone

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Navion is exactly my type of sport. It's fun, edgy and dangerous. It makes my blood pump like crazy, and while it's not going to kill me, it surely makes me feel alive. They should definitely introduce it to the Colonies. It might teach them a few things, instead of just running after a ball.

The try-outs were a joke, but at least we had some fun. We smashed a 30-minutes session in half the time, and there was still enough to come up with a plausible story for our impressive talent. Apparently, they have dug the idea of us playing a similar game back in our city, and thanks to Elias, who is a master of improvisation, it could be the best sport ever. The team was alright, not that I had high expectations. As I assumed, they were awfully stiff, with few exceptions that were not so bad. I can't say that about the captain, though. Blondie was the worst. He was like a machine, a goddamn robot, as he moved, talked, and thought like one. I wonder, what's so special about him that he needs protection anyway?

From what they have told us, today's game was programmed especially for us, to see how we cope in a superior level. It's supposed to get even rougher once the adversary team pops in, but I guess I'll have to wait and see what that is all about. All I know is, there won't be any other human beings apart from us, which can only mean we get to play against some cool androids. If that's the case, I can honestly say it's a dream come true. I'm intrigued to see how far their technology has advanced.

The stands are now bustling with people, humming loudly and waiting eagerly for the game to begin. From where I sit, I have a great panoramic view of everything that's happening down there. It looks that I am a little impatient myself, as my eyes start scanning the crowd, looking for the familiar russet hair. The glass wall soon fogs up and I have to lift my heels, just enough, to continue my search over the cloudy area. The whole Institute is here to watch the first competition of this season, everybody, except the one I was hoping for. Neither she, nor her friend are here yet, although, Ilya has assured me they'll come.

'Everyone, get ready!' Blondie's annoying voice is filling up the locker room.

I roll my eyes, but then my reflection comes into focus, determined to get back at me. Are we going to do this or what? My excited psyche keeps asking. I guess we are, I formulate a muted reply, and then, turning on my heels, I follow the others to the elevator.

I've lost count of how many floors we had descended, my eyes focused on the holographic clock all the journey down. It came out of nowhere, above the arena, letting everyone know the game is bound to begin. The crowd starts counting down the last few seconds, their echo sending chills through my body. Thousands of small bumps are covering my skin as we march in the colorless pit, and my brain takes in the enormity of the place. If I hadn't seen nanites at work before, I swear I would have believed they use some kind of magic. The immaculate white ridges reconstruct in shape and texture, revealing three hard concrete walls higher than a 4-storey building. The other one left, where all the bleachers are, has turned into a thick glassy divide, I reckon to protect the viewers from any harm. The hollow looks like it has been here since the beginning of time, where even the smallest sound had been preserved to the finest detail. I take a spin and watch the vastness of the training pitch, now a furious sea of pixelated waves that are changing into something else. One second left and a blasting sound is making it official. The game has finally started.

Complete mayhem breaks out. I take a glimpse at Matt, only to find him staring astonished at the moving walls. My brain is frozen, trying to find a logical explanation of what is happening around us. Platforms of all sizes stand out at different heights, while the floor is falling apart. I duck just in time, before the surface under my feet breaks into small particles, and vanishes in the bottomless abyss. We all start jumping and grabbing the newly formed prominences, away from the hole in the ground, and moving up to a safer spot.

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