Chapter Two

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'Lydia? Dia.. Lydia? Wake up sweetheart. You have school, Remember? I'll be going downstairs to go and leave, your care was delivered today before you woke up. ' My mom says getting up from her spot on my bed, I hear her footsteps fade. Then I hear the door shut, And her Jeep wrangler heading out. I know she dose not really go to a job, I know she's seeing someone but she just wont tell me who he is yet.

I slowly open my eyes, turning my head I look at my alarm clock and it reads 5:30. Ugh.. Why does school have to start at this ungodly hour?

I get up off of my back position And trade it out for one on the floor. Look I wasn't planning on falling on the ground it just happened I guess... I still dint want to wake up so I continue to army craw and half roll to the bathroom to take a shower.

Once inside I have to get up, Getting undress and into the shower shakes off my sleepy state.

I wash my hair with my strawberry shampoo, along with my coconut conditioner. After doing my hair I move onto my body, rinsing off with my pineapple body wash. Now I smell like a whole fruit basket, I get out and dry off. I go to my sink and wash off my face with my facial wash that smells like cinnamon.

I walk across my room from the bathroom with my towel wrapped loosely around me, to my closet.

I pull out a white and Black long sleeved flannel, with a high-waisted skirt that showed out my glowing complexion. The skirt had gold sewn on buttons. I can assure you that everything, and by everything I mean everything in my closet is either Black, White ,Gray or gold with the exception of some of my shoes. I walk across my room once again just this time with my outfit of the day partially complete. I go to my dresser and pull out some Gold Long socks with Black rings across the top. I go back to my Bathroom to put on my clothes and my normal makeup which consists of A little Eyeliner that brings out my cold gray eyes. I pair that with some mascara and Boom! you have your daily dose of Lydia Babble put together. Before I walk out of the bathroom I pull out the towel around my hair, and leave it in its natural wavy state. Huh its dry already.. weird. I skip, yes skip across my room to my bed, I sit down and pull on my gray and white camo Nikes. I look over to my alarm clock to see 6:30.

Shizzle my Nizzle I think to myself as I push myself up and off my bed. I do the Usain Bolt down the stairs. Me being my normal clumsy self I manage to miss the last one and fall flat on my butt.

I get up and thank god nobody saw me fall because that would've been embarrassing. My mom says that she gave her clumsiness to me, so when I was born she said she could walk anywhere and not fall. She thinks its cute that I'm clumsy and accident prone. I do because it makes me feel like a newborn deer. I dust off my butt for invisible dust that may have gotten a ride from the ground station. I continue my sprint to get out the door, but first a healthy breakfast. I grab the donuts from the island in the kitchen that my mom left for me. Awe so sweet, thanks mom! I think.

I rush out the door and stuff my face with at least two donuts before getting to my door. I feel around for my keys but I couldn't find darn it! I run back into the house and up the stairs and into my room. I look around and find them on my nightstand. I mentally face palm myself for not seeing them when I woke up. I run back downstairs and carefully watch the last step, that step I swear hates me because even when I was careful my shoe got caught and I tripped. Thankfully I catch myself in time, I Fist pump the air and dart out the door and into my Truck. I'm inside and I start Millie. Yes I named my truck Millie because I get lonely and she's my life.

I put West Point Highschool into my GPS and off I Am to my new school where i'll start my senior year and hopefully finish it before we move again.

Millie is a Chevy Silveraldo, She black in color which again matches my them I have going on here.


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