Chapter Three

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After walking away from that guy, 'Don't I get a bye, babe? My names Dakota, I guess ill see you around!' I hear Dakota say from behind me.

I find my Art class and enter the door, the bell rang one or two minuets ago so ill be late to my first class. I twist the handle , taking a breath I walk in. All chatter turns into unbearable silence. But if I thought the silence was bad it wasn't until I got glares and wolf whistles. I keep my face neutral like always, never smiling never frowning.

I see the teacher who was sitting in his desk chair, get up and walk to the middle of the room. He kind of reminds me of someone I know.. I just cant place who.

'Hello, nice to see you finally joining us Lydia. I am your homeroom teacher Mr. O'Brian.' This man looks so much like someone I know, its going to bother me so bad since I cant place who he is to me.

Mr. O'Brian has Honey blond hair that looks wavy, blue eyes and caramel skin with freckles. He looks to be in his late thirties. Very young looking, I would have passed him of as twenty or twenty one.

'Do you want to introduce yourself?' Mr. O'Brian askes me , When I don't answer I hear a familiar male voice speaks up for me.

'Sir, she's a mute. But me and her are bestfriends as of today and I wouldn't mind if she sat here with me a Joshua.' I look over to see Jacob in all his tan glory. Next to him is the most.. Gorgeous guy I had ever seen. Do you call guys gorgeous? Well even if you don't this guy could even rock being called that. It takes some willpower to keep my face from showing any emotion. The gorgeous guy speaks up.

'Jacob, you know I don't like being called Joshua. It's just josh to everyone else.' Joshua or formally known as Josh finally looks up and his eyes find mine. He looks taken aback by me somehow, Like as if I were a missing piece to a puzzle he was trying to solve, and he's just found me. It's weird but I felt as if time stopped along with my heartbeat, because a few seconds after he looked up and found me he smirked. Excuse my French but this guys the exception to it, Damn Daddy!

I break away from our little staring match when Mr. O'Brian speaks again.

'Okay, So that's a no go on the intro. Okay mister Jacob and mister Josh, you have a new partner. I'm sure you'll get along nicely.'

And with that I slowly make my way towards a smirking Josh and a smiley Jacob.

I sit in between them and I look over to Jacob , I motion with my finger for him to hold on for a second. I take out the notebook I always carry around with me just incase I feel like communicating with someone of interest. Its a blue hardcover book, my name is written in shiny gold cursive. I take my pencil and start my convocation with Jacob.

L= Lydia J= Jacob

L; Hey again. Sorry for not waving bye, but I do that sometimes.. I obviously am not good with communication. And you called me your bestfriend in front of everyone! And you barely know me so that was awesome of you. Since you call me by my nickname ill call you one, k? I think Jake will work just fine.

J; Yea, I'm just so happy to have a bestfriend other than Aaron. But he don't count because he's my boyfriend. (Don't tell him I said that though) I think Josh has a thing for you already, girl look at you pulling already! Go Dia! Don't look now though.

L: Why not is there something wrong with my face? And I wont tell Aaron for you mine's safety. But now I wanna look so bad.

J: Don't you do it Dia! You'll get stuck staring!

L: I'm going to do it Jake! You told me not to, I'm naturally curious (And clumsy but lets not mention that to anyone) So this is your fault! See you on the other side, Wish me luck.

J: Fine :P Good luck, but I wont be joining you anytime soon, ill leave you with your own personal hell, which is also know as Lover boy over there..

I nod over at Jake and look over to my left where the gorgeous guy that I now know as Josh sits. I think I prefer Joshua more though.

I find him already looking over at me, I meet his eyes with my intense ones. But he really doesn't seem affected by my gaze. Finally a man that has the right to be called a man! I think I'm getting way to excited over this one guy..

Now that I look at him, I break my eyes away from his unusual emerald green ones just to look him over. I think he likes my attention being only on him because he starts smiling. He has Black hair that almost reminds me of coal. Tanned skin from hours outside, he already has dimples I can tell because of the way he's smiling at me. He has light freckles, if you weren't looking at him this close you wouldn't have know that they were there. I look back up at him and he looks so happy about my one movement, like as if I had completed him somehow. I like this look, its different from the lust filled ones I usually get from other guys. It's almost refreshing, I feel my lips tilt up the slightest almost making it look like I was about to smile at him. I couldn't let him get the joy of that, but it seems he caught the little to nothing motion and if possible he looked at me like he wanted me to smile only for him.

But I wouldn't smile for someone I hadn't known for more than five minuets so I look away and to the board.

I can still feel his gaze on me, just he isn't smiling anymore he looks confused. He looks over my small frame to Jake, which me being me wasn't so hard to do. Jake and him seemed to be having a silent convocation with each other, because of the way their faces changed. Like from sad to happy, quick emotion flickers like that were enough to confuse me. But hey this one guy was enough to confuse me, so what do I know?


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