Chapter 3: A reunion

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Poltergeist POV / Barracks / Dorms

After Maestro introduced us to each other we went into her room and began talking about what happened while we were apart. Meanwhile, Maestro had left with a wide grin on his face.

We sat at a small table after she offered me a cup of coffee.

Alibi: "So. The PCS finally got you on Six' radar."

Poltergeist: "Not a surprise, regarding that I had your help while making it."

Alibi: "And that you based it on my gadget in the first place." she added with a joking tone

Geist: "That is also true" I answered with a slight laugh and took a sip from my coffee. "How was being a Rainbow Operator so far?" I then asked.

Alibi: "Basically we're doing nothing else than what we did before, but now we're operating on a much larger scale, as is our enemy. Aside from that having a team this diverse is a good thing, for the most part at least."

Geist: "Yeah, Harry told that there were some differences between a few Ops, anything or anyone I should know about?"

Alibi: „Right of the bat... Probably Taina or „Caveira" and Chul or „Vigil".

Taina is ruthless and doesn't know fear and Vigil is a stone wall but efficient on the battlefield.

Both aren't very good when it comes to social interactions..."

Geist: „Any advice on how to... deal with them?"

Alibi: „Probably let them approach you if at all. Vigil probably wants to be on his own and Caveira... I don't know."

Geist: „Thanks for the info."

Alibi: „No problem. But now back to you. What do you think so far?"

Geist: „I mean I get to see you and Elias again, which is great. The few operators I got to talk to seemed nice. The Base itself is ok, but if every dorm has the same size it's definitely a welcome change from normal barracks." I explain while gesturing around the room.

It was about the size of a big hotel room. Even though it wasn't a complete apartment it had everything you'd need.

Alibi: „All dorms are mostly the same but, about Elias... „Bratwurst"?" she said, her Italian accent clearly audible while pronouncing the german and let out a small giggle afterwards.

Geist: „You know Elias and I served together once I got into the GSG9.

When we first met he jokingly said something along the lines of „Ey, die Brezel ist endlich da!" in English „The Brezel finally arrived.",

Brezel because I'm Bavarian,

and I countered with „Die Bratwurst konn ja rede!", „Wow the Bratwurst can talk!" and we just stuck with it for some reason neither of us knows."

Alibi: „But still, why"

Geist: „I don't know! It was the first thing that came to mind..." I said trying to defend myself only earning another giggle from Alibi who then looked at the clock.

Alibi: „It's getting late, Richard. I reckon you didn't get far into making yourself at home here yet before Adriano got you here."

Geist: „I only got to check on the PCS prototype."

Alibi: „A Prototype?"

Geist: „I fixed some issues with the image while sprinting and so on. I'll show it to you at some point. But I really should go to my dorm. I have to introduce myself to the rest of the team tomorrow and I better be well rested for it."


Poltergeist POV / Barracks / Training area

After Breakfast, the Operators gathered in the training area.

I already waited there in full gear

Geist: „Like Six announced earlier today you are here so that I can show and explain my gadget to all of you." I said with a serious voice.

„As you have seen yesterday the Poltergeist Cloaking System, short PCS turns the user nearly invisible and let them distort the sound of their footsteps.

This is why it is crucial for you to know how it operates and how we will work together in Operations.

First of all the PCS works by using the camera feed of 4 cams on both my shoulders and the front and back of my plate carrier to create a holographic image around me with technology based off of Alibis Prisms.

However, there is a slight distortion in the image that can be noticed if looked for."

I clenched my fist to activate the PCS.

„As you may or may not see the image is slightly off and is just slightly pixelated, also the edges are a bit... rough?

But these errors are for the most part, not a problem when facing someone who doesn't know what they have to look out for."

I clenched my fist again and the hologram fades away and I continue to explain.

„This distortion is also worse when I am sprinting because the display can't hold up completely to the constant updates.

When I fire a gun the system is shortly overloaded and is deactivated for about half a second before restoring the image.

The Image is also deactivated when the connection between the cameras and the holographic pads is lost through for example Mutes Jammer or Thatchers EMP. IQ should be able to see the individual parts of the PCS with her gadget." The operators shortly looked at each other when I gave those specific examples.

„I informed myself about most gadgets on my way here and would like to test out these and other scenarios later if the Operators are available." I paused briefly before continuing explaining in the same tone serious as before.

„The second part of the PCS is the modified Boots which can either dampen or distort the sound of steps like you have experienced Yesterday. I won't get further into detail as it is not important.

Second is the Tactics and what part I take in operations. In the way Rainbow defines their operators I am primarily classified as an attacker. In the Offensive I divide the scenarios in two simple cases:

In a fast and loud approach I will try to sneak behind enemy defences and take down important targets and choke points;

In a slow approach, I will approach and infiltrate the objective from another angle mostly on my own and try to cause paranoia in order to let them make mistakes.

When on the defensive I will act as a roamer for the same reasons.

While doing so there is, of course, a risk of friendly fire. The simple solution is just deactivating the cover and communication or agreeing on something like methodical knocks against walls to announce myself.

For now, there is no other solution.

Nevertheless, if there aren't any questions you are free to go."

Most operators looked at each other and when no one said anything they started to leave by the end I could hear telling stories about our missions back in the GSG9.

Only Alibi stayed and we started to ask about the prototype.

I promptly showed here the improvements I made before putting the prototype back into the storage. After we discussed other errors that still occurred and possible fixes to those the SAS Operators approached us.

Thatcher spoke up: "You said something about wanting to test out the effects of our gadgets, right? Why don't we do that in a training fight?" He said in a daring tone with his heavy British accent.

Geist: "What do you have in mind exactly?"

Thatcher: "You said you can act in offence and defence so two rounds, two versus one. You defend, Sledge and I attack and then you attack while mute and smoke defend. Loser buys the other a round. Deal?

Geist: "Deal."

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