Chapter 6: Café Dostojevski

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Poltergeist POV

Alibi, Kapkan and I rushed towards the armoury. Because most of the operators wore, at least, some parts of their field attire as day to day clothes and that I was just testing out the PCS none of us had to get changed much and could get straight to preparing weapons and gadgets. Jäger and Mira got there shortly after us. I prepared my M4.

Jäger: "Do you guys know what is happening?" he asked as he got ready.

Kapkan: "White Masks are attacking Café Dostojevski again." he explained in his Russian accent with a quiet "Cyka" muttered afterwards.

Geist: "Again?"

Jäger: "The first attack on the Café was one of the first Rainbow reacted on. Since then they also took the opportunity to renovate a bit."

Alibi: "So your memories won't be 100% accurate?"

Kapkan: "Probably not, also because that happened about 2 years ago"

Mira: "I bet Six... Harry will have some blueprints for us to look over." she reminded

By now everyone was ready and we made our way to the briefing room.

Harry already waited there. "Because we are in a hurry, we will go over this very quickly.

The White Masks are attacking Café Dostojevski.

Their target is Yuri Nazarov, a very influential man in Russian politics, who was an eyewitness to one of their latest attacks.

You will have to defend him while the police force will fall back to reorganize with reinforcements by the army.

They will hold them for a short time in order for you to have time to prepare.

You will go in from the back while the White Masks ae going to be busy breaking through from the road.

This folder will have more details for you to go through on your way there.

The helicopter is waiting outside."

As we left the room Maestro called me over.

Geist: "Yeah, what is it?"

Maestro: "Just wanted to tell you good luck and ask you for something. Look out for Aria. Normally I'd do that but I'm gonna trust you with this one. She only ever told me good things about you."

Geist: "Will do and thanks."


After we had made a rough plan of where to set up defences I studied the map of the café, planing roaming routes, possible places for rotation holes etc. Then suddenly Alibi tugged on my shoulder. "We're nearly there," she told me and I put away the folder and checked my mag one last time as we got off the helicopter.

We entered through the VIP entrance and went up the white stairs and met with the HVP and some policemen in the dining room. They gave us access to the security and told us that they had already brought some reinforcements for us to use in the Trainmuseum, where we wanted them.

After they left we told the HVP what our plan was and already the first problem arises when he tries to argue with us about where he has to hide. He was an arrogant bastard. At least that didn't hold up for long. Quickly Kapkan had enough of him and started shouting at him in Russian. I didn't know what he said... except for a cyka sometimes... but it definitely worked because the HVT crawled through the fireplace to the Museum, climbed on the train and stayed completely quiet.

I quickly helped reinforce some of the walls and then made my way roaming upstairs. Shortly after the police announced their retreat and the white masks didn't let us wait for too long. I hid behind the counter in the cigar lounge and waited for them to try breaching the hatch.

And low and behold, it didn't take long before they rappeled through the window in the white hallway. I could hear about 3 of them coming into the room. I threw a flashbang over the counter and after it went off, I bolted out of my cover, shot the breaching charge they had already put down and then dragged the one next to the door back in the hallway to the bathroom. As I heard them freak out about what just happened I slit his throat.

No matter how I might seem outside of battle, I always like toying with my prey, playing my games with them. I want to show my enemies paranoia and fear, no matter if it's over for them soon or not. Something I had to face nearly all the time in this time where Terrorism was everywhere threatening our homes and families at all times. I wanted to give them a taste of their own medicine.

After that, I heard multiple loud explosions, but none of them came from the lounge. They were followed by long bursts of gunfire. Then nothing. I scrambled up, throwing the body aside, stormed out of the bathroom quickly killed the two left in the lounge with my pistol and then rushed down red stairs.

The white masks were already gone, the walls were all blown open. Mira sat next to her mirror, multiple bullet wounds all over her. Kapkan was the next one I found he was lying on the ground next to the chimney where he had his spot. Both had many wounds, none were lethal, but made them unconscious from blood loss.

After examining Kapkan I turned around to the spot the hostage hid. He was dead. Just one bullet to the head. They executed him.

Suddenly I heard someone cough behind me. It was Jäger. He had a bullet wound in his stomach and was bleeding heavily. "Scheiße." I cursed. "How bad?"

Jäger: "I'll manage... But they got Alibi." he managed to say while still coughing. "Maybe you can still stop them." he said pointing at the window in the mining room.

I hesitate at first but then rush to the window. I see as two terrorists drag her towards a white van. I couldn't see any bullet wounds on her, so it at least relieved me a bit. But before I could jump out onto the roof of the bakery two heavy's spotted me. They had body armour like a juggernaut and carried LMGs. They immediately sprayed at me keeping me at bay.

Once the fire stopped I peeked over and saw them climb into the van and closed the door. I vault on the roof and break into a sprint across it. From there I jump on top of the Bus station and then onto the road.

Once I regained my footing I just started shooting at the tires of the van which was already way too far ahead. I began screaming as I emptied the whole mag, but I got me nowhere.

"SCHEIßE!" I shout as I throw my rifle on the road and let out one last drawn-out scream of pure hatred.

I still breathed heavily as I picked up my rifle. I noticed I had broken the stock but couldn't care less.

I rappeled back up the roof and went back into the Museum. Jäger told me he had already called the evac and that we should wait in the lobby.

He helped him walk there and then carried Mira on my arms and then Kapkan over my shoulder. I sat all of them against the reception in the lobby.

I just stood there like I was a guard at the barracks again. Upright, heels together, completely silent.

Jäger had probably heard me before that and seemed worried, looked like he wanted to talk. He decided against it so we just waited there in silence.

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