Chapter 12: Psychology

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3rd Person POV

After they got back from the mission the first few things Geist did were seeing Doc about his nose, taking a shower and getting his clothes washed. Angel was hanging out with the SAS, drinking tea and talking about football.

Meanwhile, Geist was sitting on the couch staring at his phone, sometimes pacing around the room, waiting for any news about what they got out of these servers. There was a knock at the door.

„Who is it?" he asked in a monotone voice, still walking up and down his dorm.

"Its Sarah."

„The door is open."

She walked in, dragging in another person.

"This is Mark, you know him as Mute. He is here to tell us about the information we got from the servers."

„What did they find out." he said directly cutting to the case.

„They found some conversations in which they said they would bring her to „the chalet". Luckily for us they also found the exact location of it in some files. It's somewhere in the french alps."

„Then why are we still standing here?!" he asked already wanting to leave.

„Because Six doesn't want you to storm head-on in and either bring yourself, your team, or Alibi in danger." sounded the loud voice of Thatcher from behind the two. „Also he wants to make sure it isn't a trap and that we have all the intel possible."

Geist wanted to respond before Thatcher interrupted again. „Kid... Angel told us about what happened in Germany. The interrogation itself was nothing compared to Cav's, we know, but the rest of what you pulled off there, on the other hand, was borderline psychopathic..."

„I just did what I am here for! Fear, psychological warfare. I did nothing that wasn't suited for them!"

"Enough! Richard, I'm already worried about your mental state after that interrogation, and after you saying that it made me worry more."

Geist wanted to counter, fighting with himself over whether he should for a bit. In the end, he just slammed his fist down on nothing and growled, starting to pace around again.

"I'm going to the cafeteria, Mark. Tell him the rest" She sighed and walked out.

Geist wanted to follow but Thatcher stopped him. „You can go too, Mark. I want to talk with him alone." he said, Mute nodded and left as well. Thatcher lead Geist to the couch and they sat down. „Six and I watched some of the footage of your cams..."

„And what about it...?" he asked

„It was very brutal to say the least... and both Six and I have some worries about your mental state."

„That he noticed a bit early..." he said sarcastically. Meanwhile, in the background, the news was on tv.

„(G)... in Germany the AfD is getting stronger with every election. Some of the causes behind that are speculated to be the failing immigrant policy and also the condition the Bundeswehr is in due to lack of funding by the current government..."

Hearing this Geist took the remote nearly throwing it at the tv before Thatcher intervened. „That brings me to the other topic I wanted to talk about. What about your beliefs, about politics and so on."

„I thought soldiers aren't allowed to have any..." he sneered sarcastically.

„Well, obviously, you do."

„I serve my country no matter what, but I also don't want to wear a certain red armband, to say the least... as for the rest of the Bundestag..." You can think everything, but not say everything is one of his mottos.

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