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All I can feel is sparks.

The second her lips came into contact with mine my entire face came alive with heat. Tingles started dancing across my skin and I had to sit on my hands to stop myself from grabbing her face and pulling her closer. I can't feel my drunkenness anymore, I don't feel ready to keel over and throw up. Mackenzie's presence has both sobered and intoxicated me at the same time.

I kiss her back, I have to, I want to see if the sparks were pure shock. I want to see if girls are a passing phase and I, just like my friends, admire the beauty of a girl without feeling a emotional attraction. The sparks weren't shock; girls aren't a phase. They stay and travel into my stomach and make my chest feel warm and fuzzy, the same way Clay used to make me feel.

Mackenzie kissing me made me feel what I used to.

Her lips taste like strawberry lip balm and coke, the hint of vodka on her tongue. I have to remind myself to breathe through my nose because I was holding my breath, wanting to avoid the end of this kiss. I then remember we're in a room full of people watching us intently and I pull away, much to my own annoyance and taking every ounce of strength I possess, to see Mackenzie's eyes shut, a frown on her face. Her grey eyes open and stare at mine and I realise everyone is watching with open mouths and raised eyebrows.

I doubt they expected me to kiss her back.

I clear my throat and smirk, tossing Raven a triumphant grin. "Looks like my head and ego have grown. You might have the boys Raven but I think a girl calling me pretty is a much bigger compliment."

Mackenzie groans as she rocks back on her feet, a bright smile on her face. "I told you not to let it go to your head."

I tap my hand lightly against her cheek before bursting out laughing. Her skin is hot to touch and reddening with every passing second. I can't help but wonder if she felt what I did. "How can I not."

"Shall we carry on playing? Or are you two going to carry on teasing and eye fvcking each other in front of everyone?" Freya's voice calls out, and I look around Mackenzie to see her furious and upset expression watching on. I swallow and look at Mackenzie who just shrugs at me before going to sit back in her spot next to Freya, leaning to talk to her and receiving a blunt one word response back.

The game carries on for a few more rounds but my head really isn't in the right space. All I can think about is that kiss, and how I want to do it again. I keep glancing across the circle to see Mackenzie with a similar expression on her face, her grey eyes staring at the floor as she is obviously lost in her head.

"I'm going to the toilet." I announce and push myself to my feet, trying to ignore the fact Mackenzie's head snaps upwards and her eyes lock onto me, or more specifically the bottom of my dress that has risen. April passes me her glass and asks for a refill as I pull the hem of my dress down to cover my ass. The least I can do is get her a drink after I conveniently forgot when Mackenzie's name was called.

Whilst my head feels clear, my legs haven't caught up to the fact I'm sobering up, my muscles not working quite like I want them to. I stumble upstairs to April's room to use her bathroom, not wanting to use the one downstairs because it's no doubt being used as a sex closet or someone is throwing up in it. Trust me, neither of those options are ridiculous or unusual. I walked in on both of those scenarios at her last party.

I throw open her door and pad inside, avoiding my half drunk glass of wine from when we were pre drinking up here. I can't be bothered heading back into the kitchen, the thought of seeing Clay after kissing Mackenzie makes my stomach turn uneasily. I touch my lips and try not to remember the kiss, but when I catch sight of them in April's mirror I can't help but grin like a child who got everything she wanted at Christmas.

Better Than Milkshakes, Better Than Boys (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now