Secret Admirer

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  • Αφιερωμένο στον/ην Maja D Jørgensen

Your words intrigue me, makes me want to know you more. 

Your soul is so unique and you leave me breathless. 

Your name alone brings me joy, 

I want to hold you in the moonlight. 

Deep passion I feel for wanting to know you, 

the real you, inside and out. 

Yet there is a blockade, a wall if you will. 

Oh the pain I do feel, not being able to hold you. 

To be there for you to lean on, 

bringing you up when you are down. 

I want to experience your life. 

Could this be? Am I crazy? 

Haven't known you long, but I can feel our chemistry. 

I am drawn to you, despite my awkward position. 

I just want that chance, that one moment with you. 

Maybe you too will feel this connection, 

and take this chance with me. 

Too scared to tell you for fear of rejection. 

If I asked you, would you say, "Yes."? 

My Secret Admirer.

Poetry by MiaΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα