Chapter 4

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King Edward

I look out over the balcony and see a stream of carriages coming towards the palace. A knock sounds at my door. "Enter."

The door opens and my valet, Henry, walks into my chambers. He walks into my dressing chamber carrying a crown box. He sets it down on a small table in the dressing chamber. Then he begins to look through my formal jackets. He takes a dark blue and gold jacket off it's hanger and lays it over the chair. Then, he leaves the room, the doors falling closed behind him. I leave my balcony and close the balcony doors. I walk into my dressing chamber and pull the blue and gold formal jacket on. I begin to button the eleven gold buttons running up the jacket. When finished I tug it down and then unbutton the top button. I open up the crown box and lift the simple yet elaborate gold crown out of the box and place it on my head. I look in the mirror and my reflection looks back at me with sadness and acquisitions in its eyes. You should be mourning. I take a deep breath and leave my chambers. As I walk to the throne room, I hear whispers from the maids about the women who have arrived. "I saw one of them earlier."

"What was she like?"

"She was speaking in Eldsa. I couldn't understand anything."

"Was she a lady or a princess?"

"Neither, but she did wear a type of headdress."

"Oooo. I saw one of the carriages from Safire."

"Interesting. Do you think all of the women will speak Asurian?"

"Well if they don't they won't be able to win His Majesty's heart."

"Very true Anne."

"And besides, who in their right mind wouldn't want to speak Asurian, have you walked past the training room when the Majesty's in there?"



The doors to the throne room are opened for me. I walk through the doorway and across the tile floor to my throne. I walk up the three steps and sit upon my throne. Then, I nod to the announcer at the top of the staircase across the throne room. The doors open and the silhouette of a woman stands in the doorway. "Presenting the Crown Princess of Aral, Princess Akane Okami."

She walks through the doorway and down the stairs. Holding fistfuls of her kimono so she doesn't trip. When she reaches the tile floor she releases her red kimono and smooths it down. Then she walks across the tile floor. Her wooden two-toed shoes clicking against the floor as she walks. When she reaches the stairs in front of me she gives a small dip of her head. "Welcome to Ordet Palace, Princess Akane Okami."

"I thank you for inviting me, Your Majesty."

"I do hope your stay here will be a comfortable one."

"As do I."

She gives another small nod to me and walks out the doors I came in from. The doors atop the stairs open again and another silhouette of a woman appears. "The most royal Duchess, Anna Deucht of Hoiben House, Umen."

As she walks down the stairs the diamonds on her neck ruffle catch the light streaming through the windows and sparkle. When she reaches the three stairs in front of me she dips her head and curtsies. "Welcome to Odet Palace Duchess Anna Deucht."

"I thank you for having me."

"I do hope your journey wasn't too harsh."

"Not in the slightest way."

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