Chapter 10

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-Chapter 10 -

King Edward

Henry Lawson stops in the hallway. A group of guards stands in the hallway. In front of their feet I see the body of a man. The guards move out of the way, allowing me a path to see the body. The garrote is still around his neck, he lies face down in front of the portrait of Alexander VII.

"Take his body to the hospital wing."

"But Your Majesty..."

"Lawson, Alby's body will be going to the hospital wing for the examiner."

"Yes, Majesty."

"Your Majesty, you must get to safety."

"No. Get the noble ladies to safety."

"But Your Majesty..."

"Enough, Henry. My safety is not of utmost importance at the moment."

"I would beg to differ."

"Alas you cannot. I am surrounded by palace guards. The noble women are not."

"The king is not safe!"

"Someone tell me what is going on!"

"Why aren't we questioning the lady?"

"Where is her mistress?"


"Thank you. Take his body to the medical ward."


"The king is not safe."

"What is going on?"

"Where is the king?"

"Take the king back to his chambers!"

"Keep the king safe."

I allow two palace guards to walk me back to my chambers. Another six guards surround my room. I lock the door behind me and wait for the chaos to die down. The door opens and John enters my chambers. "How is confinement serving you my dear friend?"


"Ah, you would rather be escorting the noble women to their safe rooms?"

"No. But I would rather be doing something."

"I see. What did you think of dinner?"

"Far too many gossiping harpies and roosters for my taste."

"If only a quieter, smart, beautiful, and silver tongued woman came to the palace for your hand."

"Yes, but I do not think we invited such a woman to the palace."

"We shall have to see comrade. For this is a battle I will face by your side."

"I do not think it will be as much of a battle as it would be an ambush by the fairest sex."

"Well spoken Majesty."

"Thank you my lord."

We mock bow to each other and then sit on opposite sides of the table. I run my fingers through my black hair pushing down the stresses filling me.

"What worries you Edward?"

"I'm twenty John. I am to be married for the second time in two years within the next six months. I am running a country. There are thirty women in my home all trying to impress me. Luckily the Princesa Lucia de Leon came to help me, and I have you by my side comrade."

"I think there's a few you can send home tomorrow."

"I agree with you John."

"As you should."

The door opens and a guard walks in. "Yes, London?"

"The palace has been deemed safe."

"Thank you. You may go."

"John, would you do me a favor and check the safe room behind my mother's portrait?"

"Of course."

I hand him the master key to the safe room and send him on his way.

A/N: How is staying at home suiting you all? I start online school tomorrow and I am not excited. plus two of my classes are overlapping so that's just great. Have a wonderful week. Stay healthy!

 Stay healthy!

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