Chapter 39

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King Edward

The door of my study bursts open, and Pippa walks through.


"Hello dear sister."

She stops in her tracks, "What, no Pippa or knock before you enter?"

"I apologize Pippa, I suppose I've just been distracted."

"What is bothering you?"

So many things Pippa; the competition, I think I've begun to fall, the deaths, worry about a new marriage, "I think it's just the stress of my stately duties." She takes my hands and looks me dead in the eye.

"Eddie, there is more bothering you. I am not dumb. So tell me where are we going to talk?"


"No buts Edward. We are going to talk and you are going to tell me everything whether you like it or not."


"Edward, for the love of all things good and holy, I am trying to help you. Your last few letters have been quite cryptic and full of need. I need to know what is troubling you so that I can help."

"Fine. You're right, follow me."

I put all of the documents that are on my desk away, grab my coat off the back of my chair, and leave my study. I walk down the hall towards the nearest exit that will lead to the gazebo where I spoke to Isabella. When I find it, I quickly walk through the door and turn to the right.

"Eddie, I love you and all, but it's freezing outside."

"I know Pippa, but it'll be easier to tell you in a place where some events happened."

"Of course, lead the way."

We continue walking through the inch of snow that's on the ground towards the gazebo our father built. "Why are we going to father's gazebo?"

"It's where I spoke to the woman I wrote to you about."

"I'm assuming that is her?"


"Look up Edward, the woman standing in the gazebo."

I look at the gazebo and see a woman in a dark purple. I knock on the single wooden post and the woman turns around. "I am so sorry, Majesty. Good afternoon. Majesties."

Pippa and I watch as the Dauphine runs off through the woods. "That is not the woman I spoke to you about. I have not fallen for the Dauphine Isabel Castile."

"Then why was she in father's gazebo?"

"We are in a palace Pippa, this gazebo is one of the few places where one can be alone. It is peaceful here."

"You are right. Tell me everything about the competition."

"Well, my ministers were the ones who put it together without consulting me. I really am trying to get through this competition Pippa, but people are getting hurt and dying."

"You care about one of those people don't you?"

"How'd you know?"

"You're my little baby brother, I know everything."

"Of course you do, but I could always be lying."

"And we both know that lying is a sin."

"True, but we both know that we keep secrets from each other."

"I know, Eddie, but please tell me everything."

"Pippa, it's Chríste, I am just a little bit occupied with everything right now. Can I tell you when it's all over?"

"Fine.... but I will be expecting more than I was expecting today."

"Very well, come, let us go back to the palace. You need to get settled in, and I hear the chefs have prepared an excellent dinner."

She cups her hand in the crook of my arm and we leave the gazebo, walking back to the palace, with mixed emotions in our eyes.

A/N: i just finished watching Reign, I really liked it but I really wish they had time to go through the twenty years after James Stuarts birth. Anyways theres a really good show called The Virgin and The Martyr that goes more into Mary and Elizabeth's reign and what happened in those 20 years. It starts when she goes to Scotland. I highly recommend it. Thank you for reading, M 

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