Chapter 4

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Whoo I just spent like all day writing this. I felt rejuventated after a fun day of relaxation so I wanted to get this done and out there for all of you to read!! Yay! We get a little more of Seth's POV about halfway through this chapter. He's so adorable. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy and don't forget to:



             I watched as Seth walked from the woods. He hadn’t really looked at me but I was definitely looking at him. I was embarrassingly gawking at him actually. He was a few inches taller than I was, well built, and even though I knew he was my age, he looked several years older in body. He was probably the most handsome guy I had ever seen. I was lucky that I somehow ended up here and get the chance to know him.

            Was this what imprinting felt like? I asked myself but I had no reference to know what it felt like. And if it was, it didn’t seem like Seth was having any kind of reaction. He would definitely feel something if we were imprints right?

            He took a seat next to his sister and finally looked up at me. Our eyes met and for some reason, my wolf started to move. She moved more than I have felt her move in years. It was almost like a part of me had awakened from a dormant sleep. The feeling was both exhilarating and scary. I didn’t know what to make of this new feeling but once he looked over at Sam, I snapped out of my staring.

            I turned my head to realize Sam had been talking the whole time I was staring at Seth. Luckily, it didn’t seem like he noticed and after a quick glance, it didn’t seem like anyone did except Seth. I felt my cheeks blush at the thought. Seth had caught me staring at him. I bet I look like a creepy stalker now. I wanted to hit my forehead for being so stupid but I refrained since I was still in front of everyone.

            “I want you to make Faye here feel welcomed. She is now a part of this pack and she should be treated as such,” Sam said giving my shoulder a squeeze. Did I zone out again? Crap, I gotta stop doing that. Everyone shifted their gaze from Sam to me. Was I supposed to say something? It would seem that way but what do I say to complete strangers? Emily must have noticed my fidgeting.

            “The food is ready so why doesn’t everyone start to dig in before it gets cold,” she said coming to stand on the other side of me. Immediately all the boys practically ran to the tables that held the food. Shifters, I thought as I rolled my eyes. Sam left my side because a guy that I think was Paul was fussing with Quil possibly about taking a third hotdog before everyone could go through the line.

            Emily smiled down at me and left to go keep the boys in line. I scanned them and saw Seth looking at me but once my eyes met his, he looked back at the table. Leah was still sitting in the same spot so I casually made my way to my spot next to her.

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