Episode 45 I Promise...

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You woke up to noise downstairs and decided to get out of bed. You ran downstairs and saw Seokjin talking with another girl while they tried to cook. "Oh, Y/N, you're awake," he said as you waved at the girl and she smiled. "Hi, you must be Y/N, I'm Aria," she said as you sat down on a stool. "Nice to meet you," you said as she smiled brightly. "Are you sure you can be here?" Seokjin said as she nodded.

"Of course, I may have lied to where I was going, but as long as I'm alive, they can't fight with me," she said as you looked at her and then Seokjin. "What?" You said. "It's complicated," she said as she sighed. "Is everyone else asleep?" You said as he shook his head. "No, Taehyung is out with Yoongi and Jimin is in the forest," he said as you raised an eyebrow. "What's he doing?" You said as he stopped cutting the vegetables.

"Hunting," he said as your jaw dropped. "R-Really?" You said as he nodded. "O-Okay...I'll see if I can find the others," you said as you went upstairs.

You opened the door to a room and found Namjoon, Jungkook and Hoseok talking. You sat down next to them and sighed. "Good morning," you said as they nodded. "How are you?" Namjoon said as you smiled. "I'm well, and you?" You said as he smiled. "I'm well, too," he said.

"What lies ahead in our lives?" You said.

"That's something we don't know, but something you can control,"

You smiled.

A few years later...

"Today, we're all here to celebrate the graduation of these students who have been putting all their hard work into their classes, and who had to stay awake for hours just to finally see this day," the principal said as everyone cheered. "I'm so glad to hear that all of our students passed with flying colors," he said as Taehyung whispered into your ear. "Colors can fly?" He said as you giggled. "I'm also very proud of everyone accepting all of our hybrid students and not treating them differently," he said as all of you clapped and smiled. "We all know that after an incident that happened a few years ago, with some hybrids, things have started to change. If it wasn't for the lawyer involved in court, they wouldn't be here. Sadly, he couldn't come, but the brave hybrids are here and are graduating from this college today! L/N Y/N, Min Yoongi, Park Jimin, Kim Namjoon, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Seokjin, Kim Taehyung, Jung Hoseok, please come up here with me," he said as you all stood up and walked up together on the stage.

"Y/N, how does it feel to have changed the world?" He said as you sighed. "Well, it's very surprising at first, but then you feel proud that everyone accepted this change," you said as he turned back to the crowd. "You heard it, life can be very interesting..."

You glanced at Yoongi and noticed he was looking down at his feet, looking paler than usual. His dark circles under his eyes, and his state of weakness. If you touch him, he could lose balance. He's looked sick before, but not like this. Years have passed and each day he suffers more. It's depressing to see him like that. Sleepless nights, headaches, pain, vomiting and fainting...you'd think he wouldn't be alive anymore, but he is. It shows how strong he is, but it also shows how much of it he can't handle anymore.

The bedlam (noisy confusion) snaps you back to reality and you look around the place.
"Time to go down," Namjoon said as you grabbed Yoongi's hand and he stumbled a little, making you worried about him. This time, you sat down next to Yoongi and Jimin, to make sure he was okay. "Hey," you said while nudging him softly. He looked at you with his cold dead eyes and you sighed. "Do you need to go home?" You said as he thought for a second. "I'm not sure," he said in a gentle, low voice, almost whispering. "Hyung, you should rest, you really don't look good," Jimin said as he closed his eyes. "Hey, stay with me," you said as he opened his eyes. "You need to go home," you said as he looked at you with a sad expression. He nodded slightly and you both got up and left the graduation.

You were both walking slowly, while you held his hand. The worse that could happen is that he collapses and never wakes up again. "Hey," he said as you looked at him. "Yes?" You said as he chuckled. "I must look dead right? For you to think I was really sick," he said while smiling as your eyes widened.

He has the chill to joke around in this moment?

"Of course! It's been years since they did that to you, and each day you seem to get worse," you said as he turned his body towards you. "I promise you...I'm going to stay alive, nothing can kill me," he said while smiling.

I'm going to stay alive, nothing can kill me," he said while smiling

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