Gallivant (Quality Time)

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The cold, winter rain lashed down, rattling the windows of the old farmhouse.

Joe stepped back from the fire, surveying his handiwork as the flames engulfed the logs he had neatly arranged. He smiled as he felt Dianne's body press against his, her arm reaching over his shoulder to hold him close.

"Sorry about the weather" he said, kissing her cheek. "When I booked this place, I didn't imagine we'd be stuck inside all day. I thought we'd be out exploring."

Dianne shook her head and patted Joe's shoulder. "It's fine. I'm used to the English weather by now. Anyway, this break wasn't about getting out and about. I'm just happy to spend time with you. In fact, time with you out here with patchy Wi-Fi and no other distractions is exactly what we both needed."

Joe smiled and took Dianne's hand in his. Leading her to the worn but ornately patterned loveseat at the edge of the living room, he sat down and opened his arms for her to cuddle into him. Dianne's feet dangled off the edge of the chair and she smiled as she leaned back into her boyfriend's body. "Are you happy to be here?" Joe asked as he kissed her head.

Dianne nodded. "So happy. This cottage is adorable, and it's so nice to just have some time. No worrying about work or about dance or anything. Just me and you."

As she snuggled into Joe, Dianne looked around the room. The cottage was in the grounds of a hotel but was completely separate. The place was cosy, just big enough for two, and had everything they could need for a romantic few nights away. The log fire was definitely the highlight and, Dianne assumed, probably the reason Joe had picked this place. There were a couple of couches and a tiny kitchen with a two-seater dining table complete with a tall, white candle in the centre. Their bedroom looked out over miles and miles of lush, green scenery. Although the rain was keeping them indoors, Dianne felt so relaxed to be there.

"Do you want to play a game?" Joe asked as he ran has fingers through her hair. "I think the guy said there's some in the cupboard under the TV."

Dianne clambered off Joe's lap and crouched on the floor where he had pointed. Opening the doors, she surveyed the many boxes that had been haphazardly arranged.

"There's loads of jigsaws" she said. "A few kid's games like match the animal to the word and stuff... oh! What about Scrabble?"

Joe sat up, brushing his hair back off his face. "Dianne, I don't think I need to point this out but I'm going to anyway. You can't spell."

Dianne shrugged. "I know. I can't do normal Scrabble. I'm shit at that. But I'm amazing at drunk Scrabble."

Joe rolled his eyes as Dianne walked into the kitchen area and pulled one of the bottles of Jammy Red they had bought with them out of the cupboard. "Care to join?" she asked, one eyebrow raised. Joe shrugged and grinned.

"Well, it's not like I'm going to be driving anywhere. Go on then."

Dianne poured two generous glasses and handed one to Joe as he set up the game at the table. Picking up his phone, she unlocked it and connected it to the speakers in the cottage. As music began to ring out, Joe looked up at her and smiled. "Perfect."

"Nah," Dianne shook her head before taking a sip of her drink. "Now it's perfect."

Joe nodded and did the same. "How, ah" he took another sip, "how drunk do you have to be to be able to spell?"

"To be honest, I've never tested it. It's not an exact science, I just know it works."

As they set up the board and picked out their letters, Joe took another drink. "This is something I never thought I'd be doing" he said, gesturing to the table.

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