Family (Acts of Service)

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AN: Apologies for what this may or may not do to your emotions. I can't help it. It's just the way my brain works. 

There was an air in the room. Heavy. Melancholy. Joe had walked in to find Dianne on the bed, phone pressed to her ear as she cuddled a pillow close to her chest. From the way she was responding to the conversation with 'hmm' and 'ok' in a serious tone, it was clear that whatever she was hearing was not pleasant. As Dianne registered that Joe was in the room, she looked up at him. Her eyes were brimming with tears, tears it was clear she was trying her best to hold in.

Joe hovered in the doorway, not wanting to upset Dianne further. Once he heard her say her goodbyes, he walked wordlessly towards his girlfriend and wrapped her up in the tight hug it was clear she needed.

"It's my Pop" she said, after a few silent moments in Joe's arms. "He's sick. It's his heart."

The sob that emanated from her was unlike anything Joe had heard before. Dianne's body shook as he held her close, feeling her tears soaking through the fabric of his t-shirt. "Ssh" he said, trying his best to comfort her. "I'm here. I've got you."

After a few moments, Dianne sat up and wiped her face. Her bottom lip trembled as she looked into Joe's eyes. "I don't know what to do" she confessed. "I feel..." she shook her head. "I don't know how I feel."

Joe nodded, rubbing her back. "Do you need to go? Go home?"

Dianne shook her head. "I... Mum said not to. She said he'd told her to tell me that he... he doesn't want me to waste my money. He'd rather I stayed here and danced. Plus, mum said the doctors don't know if..." she sighed, "well, when..."

"I understand" Joe said gently, saving Dianne the heartbreak of having to finish her sentence and voice her fear out loud.

Dianne sighed loudly, trying to calm herself down. "I just... when I think about the future, he's there, you know?"

Joe nodded, knowing exactly how Dianne felt.

"He paid for my first dance lessons. My first shoes. My first competition dress. He would go to every competition he could and he always said that Andrew and I made him proud because of what we were doing. All he ever wanted was for us to be happy, and I am. I... I want him to see that. I want him to know..."

"Hey" Joe whispered as Dianne began to cry once more. "He knows. He knows you're happy. He sees exactly what we all see when you dance. He sees that beautiful smile and it's clear that you're having the most amazing time."

With her head resting on Joe's shoulder, Dianne's fingers brushed against the soft cotton of his t-shirt. "I was so excited for him to meet you" she said quietly. "I think you'd get along so well. He's so special to me and, well, I guess I wanted his blessing." She looked into Joe's eyes. "Is that stupid?"

"Absolutely not" Joe said earnestly. "Look, we could go to Australia, you know. I know we're both working and that it's not the best time, but I'm sure people would understand."

Dianne shook her head. "I couldn't bear the idea that the whole reason we were going out there was..." a sob caught in her throat, "was to say goodbye. I also don't think my pop would like it."

"Could we Facetime?"

Dianne shrugged. "He can't hear so well. Anyway, it's not the same."

"I get you", Joe rubbed Dianne's arm, "but I wish there was something I could do. I... I don't like seeing you like this when it's not a problem I can fix. I love you so much."

"I love you too" Dianne replied. "I just wanted him to meet you. I wanted him to get to know you. I guess I just want him to know I'm safe and happy. Plus, and this is going to sound awful, but I don't want the first time you meet the rest of my family to be at a funeral. It's just not a nice thought."

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