Chapter 20 - No More Alcohol

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Dominic's POV

Once I had climbed the stairs with Aria I set her down. The whole time she couldn't stop giggling. She began making her way to her room as I followed her. However, she never stopped when we reached it. She kept walking. 

"Aria, where are you going now?" 

"To your room, silly." She tried to turn around to face me while saying this only to stumble and catch herself on the wall. 

"And why are you going to my room?" I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Well... It's the only room I haven't seen and I'm curious." 

Then off she went without any further argument. I sighed and followed her. She went into my room and I heard her gasp. 

"Whoa...This is some room you've got here, Nicky." She exclaimed. 

Nicky... There it is again. I can't explain what her saying that name did to me. It rekindled all those memories and feelings. I tried to concentrate on something else. Hopefully, that is the last time she will mention that name. 

"Let me get you a glass of water." 

 I looked at her and she was about to fiddle with an ornament.

"Don't touch anything, Aria." I cautioned her.

She looked at me with a smirk, then back at the object. She took her index finger and lightly touched the ornament, looking back at me.

"Cute," I said to her rolling my eyes.

She then turned to me and her eyes had gone darker. Now, what is she up to? She walked over to me and stood in front of me, inches in between us. 

"You have no idea the thoughts that ran through my mind when I saw you in that coffee shop for the first time in 10 years." She said in a velvet-like voice. 

Ok. I'll bite. Curiosity got the better of me. 

"Do enlighten me then, Miss Valenti." 

"Oh, we onto formalities now are we, Mr. De Luca." 

Fuck me, the way my name rolled off her tongue. She now walked around me in a circle. She dragged her finger lightly across my back as she finished in front of me again. I felt the shivers move down my spine. What is she doing?

She placed her hand on my shoulder and balanced herself as she slipped off her heels. She then went to her hair pulling out the pony she had placed in it. I watched as her golden locks fell over her shoulders. Then she took off her jacket and tossed it on the couch. 

"Um... Aria, what are you doing?" 

"I'm feeling hot in these clothes, Nicky." 

I watched as she unclipped the back of her halter neck, falling just under her lace bra. She pushed the dress further down until it sat on her hips. My eyes traveled from her chest to her tummy. I closed my eyes and turned around facing my back to her, trying to gain some sort of composure and control. 

"You really need to stop, Ari... You need to go to bed... Let me call Ruby to - "

"Oh, please. Is the big bad mafia leader getting nervous over an average woman in her underwear?" She cut me off. 

"You handle guns, kill people, have your life threatened daily but yet you can't handle this. Oh, grow some balls, Mr. De Luca." This woman is going to be the death of me tonight. 

"I know you've been with many women. Models and all kinds of perfection..."

"Aria..." I cut her off. I took a deep breath before continuing. "You are far from average and if this starts..." I trailed off. I looked up at the ceiling. "If this starts, I might not be able to stop." 

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