Chapter 30 - Prove it

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Dominic's POV

What the fuck just happened? No person, man or woman, has walked away from hitting me without consequences. Yet I stand here, watching her as she leaves the room, trying to process what I just allowed to happen and loving it. That feistiness she just portrayed was sexy as fuck. Oh, she definitely isn't the timid Aria from our school days. Life has thrown her curve balls and she has taken it all in stride and used it to strengthen herself beyond belief. 

I knew she was angry with me from earlier. To be honest, I'm trying to figure out what exactly is she angry about. Is she angry at the fact that I have a past? Is she angry at the fact that Angelica came here? Is she angry at the way Angelica acted towards me? I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It was a different type of anger. I've seen all the levels of her vexations, but this one not yet.

I will tell you one thing, it took everything in me to not lay Andrea down like a dog when Marcel mentioned him touching Aria, then seeing her rubbing her wrist. However, if we were to keep this thing between us hushed, I couldn't give anyone any indication of feelings. Andrea was trying to spew me bullshit about Aria's intentions and threats. Maybe I can believe her threat to break his nose again, although warranted by the looks of things. I'll tell you one thing, Andrea was becoming a pain in the ass. He was fucking up too many times, had a filthy attitude towards other members and especially towards women. The one thing I cannot fault the man on is his aim. He was one of my best snipers and probably the only thing saving his ass right now. With a military background, he definitely came in good use. He just needed to be reminded of his place now and then. Good aim or not, I can still take him out with the click of my fingers. 

His sister, on the other hand, had no reason to be sticking around. Angelica was a good fuck, I'll give her that, but not the best. I believe the best I have had just slapped me across the face and strutted her ass away from me. And it wasn't just a good time for me, contrary to what she may believe. My reputation precedes me which is now only doing damage. It was different with Aria. There were feelings involved, what feelings though I am still unsure of. But it was more intimate, more sensual, more sensational, and more meaningful. And all that made it a whole lot more erotic on a different level which I had yet to experience. Our first time in senior year was awkward. It was painful for her and the whole experience was on an amateur level. I don't think I truly appreciated the moment, being a horny teenage boy and all. Not the way I appreciated it last night. 

I needed to fix things with her. How? I have no idea. This whole thing was a new territory for me. Fuck, she was a new territory for me! There are so many layers that make up this woman, and I am loving it as I filter through each one. She is intoxicating in every sense of the word. 

I finished up these darn cookies and made my way outside. I poured myself a whiskey in a tumbler with a couple of ice cubes before heading out. When I got there, the sight before me was the most winsome of sights. I sat on one of the couches as I watched Aria in the pool with Odette. They were giggling at the dragonflies flying around while Aria held Odette in her arms. Dani was laying on the sunbed with Ruby sitting on a step having a chat with her. I watched as Odette whispered into Aria's ear then they both coyly made their way to the edge of the pool, only to quickly splash water at Dani and Ruby. 

"Hey! Oh, you are in trouble now missy." Ruby got up pretending like she was going after them and Odette squealed in excitement while Aria defended her. 

After that excitement died down, Aria was helping Odette into her flamingo lilo then proceeded to swim the lilo around like a mini boat ride. She smiled as Odette told her stories. God, that smile of hers stops me in my tracks every time. It has the ability to melt and mold me into whatever she desires. 

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