Chapter 40 - Fight!

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Aria's POV

It felt like everything around me was moving in slow motion. When I fell to the ground with Dom in my arms, I noticed the older man that was with Tony earlier standing at the entrance of the building holding a gun. Ruby reacted outrageously as she cocked her gun and shot him in the head. 

"Fucking Ivanovich!" She screamed out. "Marcel..." She trailed off. I could see she was scared as she looked from Marcel to Dom's body on my lap. I looked back down at him, his face draining of color, his blood coating my hands, and his eyes shut. This can't be happening. I just got him back. 

"I know! Call Dr. Smith! Tell him to meet us at the warehouse and that we are on our way!" Marcel tried getting to Dom's body, but his words brought out the lioness in me. 

"No!!" I shrieked at him, causing him to stop abruptly.  "You will not be doing that mafia bullshit you guys have embedded in your brains. He will not make it to the warehouse and he, most definitely, will not make it through any form of 'treatment' your ordinary doctor might do. Ruby only survived because I bought her time. Without it, she wouldn't be standing here today. So, you do whatever the fuck you need to do to hide his identity but Dom is going to the hospital! And if you disagree with me and don't like that, then you're going to have to shoot me in order to stop me." 

Marcel stared at me then looked over to Ruby who held her hands up in defeat. I pulled off my hoodie, leaving me in a flimsy tank top. I folded it and placed Dom's head on it, lifting myself as I kneeled by his side. I felt so weak but I needed to find any last bit of energy to save him or try to. 

"Ruby, the knife!" I pointed towards the knife beside Tony's dead body. She quickly grabbed it and placed it in my hand. I sliced Dom's shirt and ripped the rest of it, giving me access to his open wound. 

"Ruby, please get Olivia on the phone." 

She never once hesitated or fought me, and Marcel stood by watching. I was thankful for their lack of interference. I, honestly, don't have the energy for bickering right now. I was running on the last bit of adrenalin left in me and that was going to be used on the man I love. I started tearing his shirt into pieces, placing them over his wound and applying pressure. I needed to find a better solution and fast. 

I heard the phone on loudspeaker while it rang. 

"Marcel, the steel pipe," I instructed him. "And do you have a lighter?" 

He handed me the pipe then dug into his pockets while shaking his head. Ruby placed a lighter in my hand that was outstretched awaiting the object. I took it and started heating a section of the pipe, holding the flame beneath it, with my knee on the bleeding wound. 

"Hey, baby! Please tell me you have fou-" I heard Olivia's voice on the line.

"Oli! It's me!" I cut her off. 

"Oh, thank God! They found you." She sighed into the phone. 

"Oli, I need a huge favor and I need you to please listen to me carefully." She noticed the sheer desperation in my voice as she entered a serious mode instantly. 

"Got it." 

"I need you to phone Thomas. I need his ambulance... Off the books, Oli. He owes me one. He needs to return my favor and turn a blind eye to what he sees today." 

"He will, Ari. Dialing his number on the hospital phone now." She said confidently. 

"Good. Ruby will give you our location. Next, I need an OR ready and I want only the chief in there. No other surgeon or nurse beside you and the chief. Prepare for a GSW to the abdomen, no exit wound, and a makeshift cauterization. He will need a blood transfusion so get O-positive ready."

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