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Preaching her bravery in handling it well when other storms blocked her way, trying to stop her from stepping on one another. Because even if it is a slow and small step, it still progresses closer to someone's dreams. Indeed, everything is against all odds.

No one ever believed in her, even herself. She doubted her capabilities, skills, and talents, just like society. They see her as a failure, disappointment, loser, and worthless. But, now, she's been admired and a role model to all the dreamers out there.

She'd been with all struggles in life, she was slipped many times, but she chose to rise up and managed to take the journey along with herself. Walking to the bridge she built that shaped her better future and be with success is just one of her little steps to make herself proud of herself and let others follow in her footsteps.


To all of you,

You are special. Take all the criticism positively, and use it as your inspiration to be a better version of yourself.

In every failure, there's a hidden success you deserve. It takes time to explore and learn things, but it will be priceless.


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