Chapter Five

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I smiled


Spooky:Mhmm sure

He said full of skepticism. We pulled into his driveway and got out. I walked infront of him to the door and he smacked my ass.

Me:¿Estàs tratando de dejar un moretón?
(Are you trying to leave a bruise)

Spooky:sí mamacíta

We walked in and be slinked his arm around me and pulled me close then pushed me against the wall. He kissed me and I deepened it. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my back was still pressed against the wall. He kissed my neck and lightly bit my skin only turning me on more.


He stopped and saw Ceaser standing infront of his bedroom door like he just came out. Spooky set me down.

Me:Ceaser I-

Then Monse came out of his room only im Ceaser's shirt.

Monse:Ceaser come ba-

She stopped seeing me and Spooky. I couldn't help but smile and Spooky glared at his brother in a nice bro type of way.

Monse:*nervously smiles* angelina what uh are you doing here

Me:I should ask you the same thing

Ceaser:You cannot tell Ruby or Jamal

Monse:Yea dont please

Me:*smiles* I wont, but you have to take back what you said

Monse:*sighs* I guess ....santos men are more alluring then we'd like to admit

She finally spoke and I was fully entertained. Ceaser and Spooky cockily smiled.

A few weeks passed and things were getting more hot and heavy not only between Monse and Ceaser but also between Spooky and Angelina.

Present Day
Olivia,Monse and I were in the lunch line getting food and talking about the dance.

Monse:and grind, highschool dances are the worst

Olivia:Really, dances in Houston are dope. And great ops to meet dudes

Me:take a look around every hot spec you see is gonna be scoring wood tonight

Monse:and its not pretty or impressive dances are basically sex fests

Olivia:in a bad way


Monse: They can expose you


Monse:You can get roofied or pregnant and Im not talking about getting it in on the dance floor

Me:which happens all the time

Monse:Im talking about slipping on something suspect on the way to the bathroom and boom your immaculately concepted.


Monse:Like peeing everything you jump cause thats what happens after you get prego

Me:even if you dont keep it

Olivia:Goodbye romance hello trauma

Monse:Plus I hear the dj they hired is some lame hipster from silver lake

We walked outside and saw Silvia and Jesus.

Monse:until he basically draped her


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