Chapter 2

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"After Princess Poppy lost hope, the handsome Branch cheered her up, and helped her befriend the Bergens and create harmony for all the land." A Troll's blue-gray figure pointed at a page of a scrapbook.

The creator of the scrapbook was clearly not super skilled at scrapbooking. The bodies of the Trolls in the scrapbook were out of proportion and didn't look much like Trolls at all. "The end."

He bowed in front of his small audience, a bag of flour, a cupcake pan, a pair of scissors, and a pink Troll.

The pink Troll waved her crown in the air. "Woo! Great scrapbook, Branch!"

The gray Troll, Branch, closed the scrapbook and blushed a little. "It's not that good."

"Of course it's good! You're putting so much effort into Troll lifestyle, it doesn't matter if it's good or not." The pink Troll was the cheery Troll, Queen Poppy, the complete opposite of Branch, and his best friend.

"Really? Then what is this?" He pointed to a blue and pink shape on the last page.

"Uh... a pink spider and a lake getting married!"

Branch burst into laughter. "Not close at all! It's you and me, when we were up on that mushroom about to-"

Two purple legs wrapped around them and pulled them to the door "What's up Broppy?"

Poppy hugged the visitor. "Morning Legsly!"

"Who's Broppy?" Branch forced himself out of the hug with Poppy and Legsly.

"It's the shop name Legsly came up with for us." Poppy pulled him back into the hug and slid something on his wrist. "Get used to hugs."

"Ship." Legsly corrected.

Branch looked down at what Poppy put on him, and discovered a green hug time bracelet. He smiled at Poppy. "Thank you."

Legsly burped in Branch's face. "'Scuse me, so what are we singing this morning, Queen Poppy?"

"Gross.." Branch looked at Legsly, disgusted.

"I don't know. We just have to improvise!" Poppy grinned.

She tossed Branch her cowbell. "Play a beat!"

Branch removed a similar stick from a tree from his hair and banged against the cowbell with it. "Still works!"

Poppy looked at him in annoyance. "Don't hurt it!"

"It's a brass cowbell, it's not gonna break easily like a tuba." He continued to play it.

Poppy bounced out of her pod, beaming with energy.

She began to sing a long with the beat. "I come home in the morning light
My father says, "When you gonna live your life right?"
Oh father dear we're not the fortunate ones
And trolls, they wanna have fun
Oh trolls just want to have fun!"

Branch followed her around the village and joined her."The phone rings in the middle of the night
My grandma yells, "What you gonna do with your life?"
Oh grammy dear, you know you're still number one
But trolls, they wanna have fun
Oh trolls just want to have-"

They marched and danced around the village, soon joined by more trolls- Copper, a giraffe-like Troll, Biggie, a tall round troll, Guy Diamond, a naked glitter troll, Legsly, Satin, and Chenille. Satin and Chenille were conjoined twins by their hair.

"That's all they really want
Some fun
When the working day is done
Oh trolls, they wanna have fun
Oh trolls just wanna have fun (trolls, they wanna, wanna have fun, trolls wanna have)"

Satin and Chenille twirled each other around and sang a duet. "Oh, I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me
Oh, I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me"

As the twins sang about their sisterly love, Poppy and Branch danced together, showing their own love for each other.

Branch spun Poppy out, similar to the move they did during the Hair Ball. "This is where I wanna be with you
Your arms wrapped around me
And fireworks reflecting in your eyes
This is how I wanna feel
The wind, the kiss, the music real
And getting down, riding all the highs."

Poppy smiled at him and pulled him close to her. "Can't stand still.
I won't slow down.."

Together, they led the crowd of Trolls around, where everyone was doing a unique dance and expressing themselves. "When I go out, I wanna go out dancing
Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah
When I go out, I wanna go out dancing
Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah
I wanna go out dancing
I wanna go out
I wanna go out
(I wanna go out dancing)
I wanna go out
I wanna go out dancing!"

They were close to kissing, but looked away quickly. It wasn't the right moment to kiss.

"That was awesome you guys! One of our best ones!" Poppy exclaimed.

Branch rolled his eyes and gently laughed. "You say that every single day."

"Because it's true, duh! Your voices are so pretty.. they sound just like.." She searched for the right word.

Cooper and Biggie exchanged a mischievous grin, knowing that she knew what word. They were sure she was talking about Branch specifically. The stared at the gray Troll they assumed she was referring to, but he didn't notice them. His eyes were focused on Poppy pacing back and forth.

"They sound really powerful!" She found the word.

( i told you I'm changing things up. )

"Thank you!" Satin accepted the compliment like a gOoD friend.

Chenille kicked her sister's shin and asked Guy, "Maybe they're not- what are you doing?"

Guy stroked his hair and groaned. "For the last nine months I've felt miserable. My hair is consistently giving me sharp pains, I've thrown up millions of times, and I've been craving random things!"

"Guy.. it sounds like your-" Legsly began, but Guy loudly gasped and cut her off.

"I have a fatal disease that I'm too late to treat!" He said overdramtically.

"Not even close to what I was saying." Legsly rolled her eyes.

"I must go write my will before I die!" He shouted in auto tune and sprinted away.

Thinking about the previous conversation, the Broppy shippers smirked and leaned forward by Branch. "Can we borrow you for juuust a sec?" They asked in unison.

"Uhh.." They gave him a creepy vibe, making him too scared to say yes.

"Good!" Biggie picked him up like he was nothing and carried him somewhere.

"Erm.. bye..?" Branch waved to Poppy, and mouthed 'help me.'

Poppy laughed and waved back to him. She wasn't really sure what to do anymore. Her friends just left her.

"HI!" Legsly popped up behind her.

"Hey Legsly! I thought you went with them."

"Meh, got bored. Decided to hang out with my best friend." She stretched her legs up to appear taller.

"I don't know what to do. I considered doing boring queen things but nah."

Legsly thought. "Play Mandy! She always makes you come up with brilliant ideas." She pulled the mandolin from her front pocket of her overalls and offered it to Poppy.

Poppy pushed the mandolin away, not in the mood to play. "Why was that in your pocket?"

Legsly shrugged.

They stood there, both frowning for a few seconds before a loud NNNNNNNNNENENENENENENEEEE was heard from afar.

( A/N - What sound does a guitar make? NENENENENNENENENENEEEEEE )

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