Chapter 17

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This is super rushed and probably my least favorite chapter.

Poppy and Barb were still singing on stage, rocking out, both looking perfectly happy as rock trolls.

Poppy brushed a strand of pink hair off her face, as more of her hair gained black highlights. "Take this pink ribbon off my eyes
I'm exposed
And it's no big surprise
Don't you think I know
Exactly where I stand
This world is forcing me
To hold your hand
'Cause I'm just a troll, little ol' me
Well don't let me out of your sight
Oh, I'm just a girl, all pretty and petite
So don't let me have any rights
Oh, I've had it up to here!"

"The moment that I step outside
So many reasons
For me to run and hide
I can't do the little things
I hold so dear
'Cause it's all those little things
That I fear," Barb smirked at Poppy, everything seemed to be going according to plan. She just needed to wait for the hard rock lifestyle to sink in to the other tribes.

The other tribes were having a moment of silence, besides the country trolls. Delta and Dickory were shooting Hickory some dirty looks and still complaining about how stupid it was of him to run off and just abandon them.

Poppy and Barb leaned up against each other, and played both of their guitars together, "'Cause I'm just a troll
I'd rather not be
'Cause they won't let me plau
Loud at night
Oh I'm just a troll
Guess I'm some kind of freak
'Cause they all sit and stare
With their eyes
Oh I'm just a troll
Take a good look at me
Just your typical prototype
Oh, I've had it up to here!"

"I'm sorry, sir," Pennywhistle tried to comfort Trollzart, whom.was still mourning the loss of his tribe.

"You don't need to apologise, Penny." Trollzart assured the instrument, "I should've tried harder to defend them."

"Don't blame anyone, it was the rock troll's fault." Cooper hugged Trollzart. "Right, bro?" He looked for his brother to help comfort the classical ruler.

D was chatting with King Trollex, "What's techno music like?"

"It's kind of freestyle, just mess with some buttons and a mix is born." Trollex explained. "It was the best..."

"Cheer up!" A pink techno troll booped his nose, "It could be worse, we could all be dead."

Trollzart stared at her and whimpered, the word "dead" reminded him again of his "deceased" tribe.

"Oh, sorry!" She covered her mouth and held Trollex's hand.

Trollex blushed and hoped to defend her, "Mermaid didn't mean that."

"I know..." Trollzart flapped his wings to try to fly a bit, but dropped right to the ground. "Huh?" He glanced back and somehow, his wings just disappeared.

D screamed, "It's starting!" He shook Cooper back and forth.

"What is?" Cooper stopped his brother from shaking him and looked around, confused.

"Shortly after all but one tribe's string is destroyed, their bodies begin to adjust to the only string's left style." Essence looked down at the purple in her fur, which was becoming a dull purple.

"Which means we'll all slowly become rock trolls." Quincy's glasses disappeared in to thin air. He gave D a dirty look, "Still hate funk now?"

D looked down at his feet, "No, I should've been grateful for being part of it..."

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