Detention (smut)

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Disclaimers: pretty smutty,
Word count: 963
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For fuck sake Remus thought as he sat in the back corner of Professor McGonagall's classroom, burying his face in his hands.
Sirius had messed up. Normally he wouldn't really care, but he had rubbed him into it so both of them got detention.

"Are you alright Moony?" Sirius asked softly, leaning against his boyfriend. "Do I look like it?" Remus snapped at Sirius, intensely staring into his eyes. "I'm so sorry... How can I make you feel better?" Sirius asked worriedly. Remus didn't answer. Instead, he angrily stared across the room. Sirius, who was genuinely sorry for rubbing him into this whole story, softly brushed some loose curls from Remus' forehead. "I'm sorry" he whispered as he leaned closer to Remus. He gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek which made Remus finally turn his head towards Sirius. For a moment they looked each other deeply into the eyes. The air was filled with tension. Then, finally, Remus smashed his lips against Sirius'. After a moment of astonishment, Sirius kissed back roughly and wrapped his arms around the tall boy's neck. As they let go of each other, Remus looked away and smiled. Then his smile turned into a smirk. He grabbed Sirius by his arm, softly pulling it towards him. Sirius knew exactly what his boyfriend wanted. So he climbed on his lap, kneeling on the wooden bench they were sitting on. "Padfoot..." Remus began as he fondly touched Sirius' cheek.

He couldn't finish his sentence because suddenly Sirius smashed their lips together once more. Sirius ran his fingers through Remus' hair, the other arm lazily laid on his shoulder. Remus grabbed the smaller boy's waist, holding him tightly. Then, as he always does, Remus pushed his tongue against Sirius' lips, asking for permission. Quickly he opened his mouth to deepen the kiss. It was everything but gentle, what surprised Sirius. Normally Remus was the gentle one. He always seems to be scared that the small boy could just snap in half if he gets too rough. But Sirius could take a lot more than it seems. (Kinky! me, the author thought)

As they both aren't submissive personalities, they both fought for dominance. Though, because humans have to breathe, they let go of each other, panting. Sirius made his way to Remus' neck, kissing from below his ear all the way down to the collar of his school uniform. Hastily he loosened Remus' tie and opened two buttons of his shirt. Now this obstacle was gone he continued kissing his neck until he found his lover's sweet spot. Remus gasped slightly at the feeling of Sirius' lips on his sensitive skin. Sirius gently bit and sucked at this spot, leaving love marks. Sirius always jokingly calls himself "the master of hickeys" because it's his favorite thing to do. Remus though hated it when Sirius puts them in places he couldn't cover up with his uniform collar.

With one hand Sirius was grabbing Remus' left shoulder, the other hand slowly slid into his shirt, touching all over the werewolf's neck, shoulder and chest.

As business on Remus' neck was done, Sirius slowly moved his head up, his shoulder-length hair brushing against Remus' cheek. He stopped at his ear and whispered in a husky voice "I need you". Remus grinned, his eyes full of lust. Then, Sirius grabbed Remus' tie he had loosened before, pulling him into an intense tongue kiss. Remus slid his hands down from Sirius' waist to his ass, grabbing tightly. By the feeling of Remus' fingers burying themselves into his asscheeks like claws, Sirius slowly began to move his hips. He brushed against Remus' crotch, feeling both their erections grow as he moved his hips fore and back.

Quickly they removed their grey uniform pullovers and opened both their button-up shirts without letting go of each other's lips. Sirius shuffled himself further up on Remus' lap to close the space between their naked chests. Remus' hands made his way up under Sirius' shirt, moving his hands up and down his back as Sirius continued to move his hips on his now pretty hard cock.

Sirius could feel how hard they both have gotten, so he decided to make a move. He slowly opened Remus' pants and reached inside. Remus gasped as he felt a hand shoving itself down to his bulge. First a few times over his underpants, then slowly making its way inside them. He moaned softly as Sirius grabbed his boner and gave it a few strokes. Then the hand got removed suddenly. Instead, Sirius kissed his way down over his neck, chest, and torso. Remus threw his head back and closed his eyes in pleasure. Finally, his boyfriend arrived at his waistline. Remus grabbed Sirius' hair, slightly tugging on it.

As he squinted through his shut eyes, he suddenly jumped. "Holy fuck!" he squeaked and pulled at Sirius' arm, telling him to stand back up. "What? What is it Moony?" Sirius asked concerned as he stood back up from between Remus' legs, nearly hitting his head at the desk. He turned around and- now he saw it too. "Shit!" he exclaimed as they both tried to cover their naked chests with their open shirts.

At the other end of the room, in front of the door, there sat a grey cat with black stripes. Then she slowly left through the slightly opened door.

"Fuck" Sirius exclaimed and began to laugh, Remus joining in shortly after.

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(A/N) I'm so sorry for interrupting it there. Can't always be sex, huh? But I'm telling you, McGony ships it ;)

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