The party (smut)

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Disclaimers: NSFW! strong language, being really dominant, use of alcohol and mentioning of its effects

Alcohol will be portrayed as a fun thing in this fic, not mentioning its dangers. Please drink responsibly!

Word count: 2063

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It was the very last day of school for the Marauders. As the graduation ceremony had ended, they were already kind of drunk. They quickly changed into more comfortable clothes and went to the graduation party some of their fellow Gryffindors had organized. On their way down towards the party location they laughed and occasionally stumbled over their own feet. Sirius, who was carrying a half-empty bottle of fire whisky with him, grabbed onto Remus' hand. Their relationship had been an open secret for some time now. He took another sip of whisky before passing the bottle to Remus.

James had somehow convinced Remus to drink with them throughout the afternoon. Remus let go of Sirius' hand. He put his now free arm around Sirius' back, grabbing him by the hip and pulling him closer. He took a long sip of whisky. Mid-sip his hand wandered down to Sirius' ass and squeezed it. Sirius immediately got flustered and turned red. His boyfriend never got this touchy in public. Remus swallowed the strong alcohol, not coughing at it anymore as he had done earlier that day. He smirked as he saw Sirius' cheeks glowing red.

At the party, all of them sat together drinking beer and shots. But soon after, James had spotted Lily. Now they were sitting in a dim corner of the room, frantically making out. Pettigrew stayed for another round, then suddenly vanished as Remus and Sirius started kissing. "Typical," Remus said laughing as he noticed his friend had left. "Finally, peace and quiet," Sirius babbled giggling and gave him another kiss.

The alcohol was hitting pretty hard now, giving him a sudden boost of energy. He climbed onto Remus' lap, facing his tall boyfriend, and smiled. Remus just smiled back and raised an eyebrow at him. He brushed a dark curl from Sirius' forehead, then moved his hand to Sirius' cheek. He softly ran his thumb across the warm skin, not breaking eye contact. Sirius put his hand atop of Remus' hand and gave it a few pecks. "I love you," he muttered into the hand he was holding at his face. The music around them was so loud that only Remus would have heard Sirius' confession. Remus almost teared up at those simple three words. He had already told Sirius that he loved him, many times actually. But Sirius, with all of his abandonment and commitment issues, had never said it back. "Fuck, I love you too Padfoot," he quickly replied and pulled Sirius in for a deep kiss.

Sirius wrapped his arms around his lover's neck. He started grinding his hips back and forth on Remus' lap. Remus slid his hand under Sirius' shirt and ran it up and down his warm back. "This is giving me a... what's the word..." he began. "Deja vu?" Sirius replied with a smile. "Exactly!" Remus shouted way too loudly. However, he wouldn't have cared anymore at this point if anyone had looked at them confusingly. "You get smart when you're drunk," Remus joked. "And you get touchy," replied Sirius and winked at the tall boy with a soft smile.

Remus slowly leaned forward and laid his cheek against Sirius' cheek. He stopped for a moment as if he was thinking about what to say. Then, he tightened his grip at Sirius' waist and leaned a bit closer towards his lover's ear. "Oh, I can show you how touchy I can really get as soon as we're alone," Remus growled in a low voice into Sirius' ear, then playfully bit his earlobe. Sirius suddenly got a fluttering feeling and smiled like an idiot at the wall he was facing. "Well then, let's find a place where you can show me," he answered flirtatiously. He stood up from Remus' lap, almost losing his balance because all evening he had been sitting while drinking. Remus held onto the drunk boy's hip so he wouldn't fall.

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