a funeral

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Dabi POV

The bastard is finally dead! I did it! Oh my god I did it. I smile to myself. I am the most wanted man in Japan. Doesn't really matter though. He died knowing who I am. I've been planning this for the past two days. How I will show my true self. I dyed my hair back to red and bought a mask that covers my mouth. A hoodie with gloves adds to it. For my eyes I took out the staples since the skin can hold itself together but it would look weird if I had staples everywhere but there. I stole makeup from a convenience store this morning. The funeral should be live on TV. Perfect. I start getting ready.

I already took out the staples around my eye and put on the makeup.

Not half bad.

I put the mask on and wrap the elastics around my ears. I put the hoodie and gloves on. Perfect. You could never tell what happened to me.

I roll my shoulders.

"I'm heading out!"

"Whatever patchwork!"

Shigaraki. I hate him. He can suffocate for all I care.

I leave the piece of shit I call 'home' and start my walk to the church. Nobody gives me a second glance as I walk down the street. In front of the church are dozens of people. Mostly pro heroes. People see my red hair and eyes. They know who I am. Not as Dabi. But as Touya Todoroki. People gasp and whisper to the people next to them. I push past them into the main building. I see Fuyumi standing with Natsuo and Shoto in a corner. Mom is sat in a pew a few feet away. Who should I go up to? Probably Fuyumi and the boys. As I walk up to them Fuyumi lays eyes on me.

"Touya!" She screams. Natsuo does a quick 180 and looks at me before running and pulling me into a hug. I hug him back.

"Good to see you bro."

Then Fuyumi walks up to me and smacks me across the face.

"That's for leaving you ass."

"Sorry. I'll ask for your permission next time."

"There won't be a next time."

Shoto is standing awkwardly in the corner just looking at us. Natsuo motions him over and he reluctantly does so.

"Do I know you?" He asks.

"I'm Touya Todoroki. Nice to meet you."

Natsuo and Fuyumi start laughing so hard that I think Fuyumi is crying.

"Could I say a few words? Once everyone else is finished?"

"Of course Touya. You can go after me. I was the last person."

We all go and sit down next to mom. She doesn't see me and I think it's for the best. Her metal state is to fragile to handle seeing me.

I don't pay much attention to the prayers people are saying. I tune into Natsuo's speech and it only highlights the good thing Endeavor did. None of the bad. This mans legacy will be ruined once I go up. Perfect. Fuyumi goes up.

"My father was an honest man who cared for the citizens of Japan with all of his heart. He helped make our streets safer and a better world for our children. At home he wasn't the greatest father, but, he tried to redeem himself towards the end. I tried to forgive him for years. I never fully did. Now that he's gone, I can finally say I forgive him."

She walks back to her seat and nods at me to go up. I walk up to the podium and start.

"Let me tell you all a story. I was a 15 year old boy. I was attending UA and was living my best life. Only the people inside of my house knew the truth. The truth that Endeavor was the most abusive piece of power hungry shit to ever walk this planet. He beat me to the point I was almost dead. He burned my skin so badly I couldn't repair the damage. So, I ran away. My skin started falling apart at a rapid pace so I had no choice but stapling it together." I start removing my mask. "I finally do my revenge on that bastard. I killed him. Returned the favor. He killed Touya Todoroki, and created Dabi. In return, Dabi killed him." I throw my mask onto the ground and people gasp. "So yeah, a villain is Touya FUCKING Todoroki. Big deal. I hope everyone in Japan remembers this day. The day the number one hero was exposed to be an abusive and evil human being. Have a great day. Goodbye dad. You FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!"

I ignite a fire and quickly set the casket on fire. Blue flames roar and swallow it up.

"Rot in hell bastard. I know I certainly will."

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