"I left him with you now Im ready to answer." Part 3

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part 3/3

"You're lying!" Kyoshi yelled. "You're a mean bully!"

Dabi let out a sad cackle.

"Oh but I'm not Kyo. You look just like your mother. Same blonde hair. Yet, you have my eyes. Guess my family just passes them down."

"You're not Touya Todoroki, Dabi!" Eijiro yelled.

"Shut up you useless hero. Unless you want me to send some villains after your daughter. She's at a friends house I believe?"

Eijiro shuts his mouth in defeat. He knew Dabi had the upper hand.

"Leave my daughter alone."

"Give me my son."

"I'm not your son!"

"What's your quirk?"

"I have fire wings that I summon...." Kyoshi's voice trails off.

"Blue fire?"


"How curious. You know, your mom had brilliant wings. I miss those wings."

"Who was my mom? Was she nice?" Kyoshi was trying to buy time until someone else showed up. Whether it was Uncle Sho or Uncle Kat he didn't care. He just needed to distract Dabi.

"He was the sweetest person I'd ever met."

"What happened to him?"

"He was murdered. You were in the room where it happened. I'm guessing you were sleeping. It's sad really. Your mother died right next to you and you never even knew."

"What? Is that the t-truth?"

"Or course it is. Why do you think I didn't raise you?"

"I don't know. I thought you just didn't love me."

Kyoshi was now standing out in front of Eijiro and Eijiro had caught onto what the small child was doing. Dabi walked closer and kneeled down to Kyoshi's height.

"I love you with all of my heart Kyoshi. That's why I gave you to Shoto. I knew he could take care of you."

Dabi reaches out and touched Kyoshi's cheek. In that moment, Kyoshi looked so much like Hawks. It made the villains heart ache.

"Who was my mom?"

"Keigo Takami. Or, Hawks."

Now Eijiro was confused. When Hawks died there was proof of a child living in the apartment but the pile of dust in the crib made everyone think the worst.

"My mom was a hero?! Just like Uncle Sho?"

"Better than uncle Sho. Don't tell him I said that though."

"I won't! What time is it?"

Dabi checks his watch.

"5 o'clock."

All Eijiro could hope for was Shoto to show up. If Shoto knew Eijiro was home then he normally didn't knock. That annoying pet peeve of Katsuki's might actually help Katashi, Kyoshi, and Eijiro get out and away from the villain. 

"Eijiro! Hello? Where are you?"


"Upstairs!" Eijiro yelled. Dabi glared at the man. His eyes filled with rage.

"You were just stalling me weren't you Kyoshi? What a mean thing to do. Someone should sort you out."

The door to the room opens and Shoto takes in the scene.

"Dabi. Get out of this house." He growls.

"I need to talk to you first."


"I left him with you. Now, I'm ready to answer."

"Kyoshi is your...?"

"Son? Yeah. I'm guessing you want to know everything so, start asking."

"Is Hawks really his mother?"


"Your really Touya?"


"Why did you leave him with me and not Fuyumi or Natsuo?"

"You were closest to where I was and the cops were going to be on my track soon."

"Did you kill Hawks?"

"Hell no. Shigaraki did. I wasn't home so he took his chance. Haven't talked to the League since. I never would have intentionally hurt Hawks. I loved him."

"You know I could arrest you right?"

"Go ahead. Then, I'll be revealed as your brother and his father. That ruins Kyoshi's life you know?"

"Are you going to take him?"

"I was going to. But, I can't do it. I just want to be able to see him Shoto."

"I'll let you see him twice a month if you call me first."

"Really?" He smile and blood starts running from one of his staples. He curses and wipes it away.

"Yeah. But, you leave. Now."

"Expect a call soon."

Dabi throws open a window and slips out. Eijiro is in a daze. That was the weirdest villain encounter he'd ever had. He was trying to comprehend what happened. A villain broke into his highly secure house, revealed himself as a Todoroki, talked to his kid, and then left. What. The. Fuck?

"What the hell was that Shoto?" He yells.

"You're acting like I planned for that to happen!"

"A villain just broke into my house!"

"That's not my fault Eijiro!"

"Can you just, take Katashi tonight? I'm going to have Mako sleep at her friends house and I need to talk with Katsuki."

"I can take him for tonight and tomorrow."

"Go pack a bag Katashi."

Katashi tries to protest but the look his papa gives him makes the words die on his lips. He grabs Kyoshi's hand and walks him to the other side of the room. Katashi starts packing his bag. His fingers are shaking and heart racing. Kyoshi was no better. His head was spinning. His dad was a villain? His mom was Hawks? Questions should not fill a little boy's head this quickly.

The only question that really mattered in Kyoshi's mind, was,

Why me?

That's the thing. Why do things like these happen to innocent people? If people knew about this, Kyoshi would be feared. Hunted by villains. Exiled from society. All because, of fate.

AN : my phone is still broken so i'm writing this on my sisters phone . sorry it's so short. please request more oneshot ideas. i'm running out and i really want to continue writing. thank you all for the support on this book. have a great day of night

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