Part (5)

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(3rd POV)

It's been 3 weeks since jungkook left with Taehyung. And he has been trying his best to ignore the older.

Of course he was still communicating with his friends through their mind link.

They always asked the same question and he always gave them the same answer.

"Where are you? We're coming to get you". They would always ask him.

"I...I don't know where I am...." Was always his answer.

He honestly doesn't know where he is exactly. Taehyung didn't take him to the pack house.

He took him to a cabin in the middle of nowhere. Which confused jungkook. He would've asked why but he wasn't talking to the older.

"WILL YOU JUST ANSWER ME ALREADY". Taehyung has had enough of the younger ignoring him.

He has literally tried everything yet the younger still hasn't spoken a single word since they got here.

Taehyung pinned jungkook against the wall flashing his red eyes claiming dominance.

"Say something". He growled looking the younger right in the eyes.

Jungkook turned his face to the side not wanting to look the older in the eye.

Jungkook was stubborn to say the least. And Taehyung hated it.

He grabbed his face harshly forcing the younger to meet his eyes. Yet jungkook closed his eyes.

He really was trying his best to ignore the alpha....yet he was scared. Right now he was shivering under the older.

"Will you just look at me and say something". Taehyung whispered genuinely over the youngers childish acts.

"Please let go of me..." was the only thing jungkook managed to get out. That's the only thing Taehyung heard him say.

"WILL YOU JUST STOP". Taehyung growled in both anger and frustration slamming his fist into the next to the youngers face.

Jungkook flinched feeling his eyes sting. He really didn't like how harsh the older was.

"He won't do anything....he can't". Black assured jungkook knowing how scared he was.

He has been doing that for a while now. When jungkook felt like having a break down black would surprisingly calm him down.

"Please....just let me go". Jungkook muttered trying to steady his breath.

Taehyung knew there was no use trying to make the younger talk let alone force him to.

"I'm...sorry". Jungkook was shocked to say the least.

This was the first time he heard the older apologize to him and sound so sincere about.

If he didn't know any better he would've thought the older was actually hurting.

"Black please....I can't stay here anymore". Jungkook sobbed to his wolf.

"I'm trying to get us out of patient human". He assured jungkook.

Jungkook couldn't transform and run away...he couldn't let Taehyung see his wolf.

No one could see how his wolf looks now. If they saw it they would kill him.

Jungkooks train of thought was cut by the sound of a loud crash in the kitchen.

"What happened?" He ran to the kitchen hurriedly. He was shocked at the sight.

"What did you do to yourself". Taehyung was laying on the floor of the kitchen covered in flour with glass surrounding him.

"DONT". Taehyung warned the younger who was trying to help him up.

"Just...don't". He said standing up accidentally stepping on a huge piece of glass.

He hissed at the pain almost losing his balance. The younger wanted to help him gain balance again but Taehyung put his hands up signaling for the younger not to get closer.

This is the first time he has ignored jungkook...something was up.

He walked carefully trying to get out of the kitchen...not accepting any help from the younger.

"I had to get my legs cut for you to talk to me". He heard the older whisper in sincere pain.

Jungkook was going to try and pick up the glass shreds when suddenly Taehyung stopped him.

"I'll do it myself. Just leave it". Taehyung whispered before leaving the kitchen.

Jungkook was confused. He has been ignoring the older for 3 weeks now and this is the first time he has reacted this way.

Jungkook felt bad for ignoring him sometimes. But then he remembered how the older rejected him and left him to die in the woods.

Five minutes later Taehyung came back to the kitchen only to see that jungkook had picked up everything.

"Why are you like this?" Taehyung asked the younger. More like whispered standing in front of him.

Jungkook tried to ignore the inkers confused not understanding what he meant.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU LIKE THIS". He yelled slamming his fist against the table.

Jungkook flinched shutting his eyes not wanting his tears to escape.

"Why do you ignore me?" Taehyung asked calming down noticing how scared the younger was.

The younger continued to ignore him sincerely scared.

"Would you please just answer me already". The older whispered hoping the younger would answer him...but nothing.

"Forget it...I'm going for a run". Taehyung sighed getting out of the house.

"Why is he a acting this way". Jungkook whispered confused at the olders act.

"His wolf is also in pain....somethings wrong". Black replied. He felt the olders wolfs pain since they were mates.


It's been 5 hours and Taehyung still hasn't come back from his run.

Jungkook didn't know why but he was worried about the older.

He seemed different today. Not the usual mean guy he was for the past few weeks.

For the last 3 weeks he tried to threaten jungkook to speak to him, tried to force the words out of him but now he was being weird.

Jungkook couldnt sleep so he sat on the couch watching tv.

"He's here...and he's hurt". Black said confused as to why the older was hurt.

Jungkook ran to the front door on instinct. They were mates after all and he couldn't deny the bond.

Taehyung jumped in surprise when he saw jungkook standing in front of the door waiting for him.

Jungkook gasped in shock...

Taehyung was badly wounded...he had slash's on his face and chest. He's shirt was ripped to shreds.

"What happened". Jungkook asked holding the olders face checking the wounds.

"Don't..." was the last thing Taehyung said before he passed out on the younger.

"TAEHYUNG~ah". Jungkook yelled.

(To be continued)

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