Part (6)

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(3rd POV)

"Ouch..." Taehyung hissed at the pain.

"Stop it...that burns". He complained pushing the wet towel away.

"Would you stop complaining already! Its bad enough you aren't healing as fast as you're supposed to be". The younger said wetting the towel.

"I told its fine already...and why do you even care just a few hours ago you wouldn't even look at me". Taehyung added hissing are the pain once more.

Jungkook couldn't comment on what the older said. Why did he care about the older?

"Who did this to him?". Black growled in anger. He hated Taehyung but he was still their mate.

"Who did this to you?" Jungkook asked wiping the blood off of the olders face.

"No one". Taehyung simply answered not looking the younger in the eyes.

"Stop being so childish just answer the damn question". Jungkook exclaimed dropping the towel in the bowl of water and standing up.

"Ohh so now I'm the childish one?" Taehyung asked honestly offended.

"You're the one who ignored me for 3 freaking weeks". He added throwing his hands in the air.

"Because you literally forced me to come with you and threatened my friends". Jungkook argued.

"I had to". Taehyung muttered hoping the younger wouldn't hear him. But he did.

"Why...why the hell did you have to force me to come with you". Jungkook argued again looking straight into the olders eyes.

"To protect you". Taehyung yelled getting closer to the younger.

Their faces were so close right now jungkook could feel Taehyungs breath on his face.

Jungkook was confused. What did Taehyung mean by protecting him. From what exactly.

More like from who...

"Just forget won't understand anyways". Taehyung added getting up making his way to his room.

"I'm going to bed..." And with that Taehyung left jungkook sitting on the couch confused.

"What did he mean by that?" Black asked being just as confused as jungkook.

"I don't know....but I need to find out". He replied making his way to his own room.

He couldn't sleep that night...too much was on his mind. But what he thought about most was what Taehyung meant when he said he was protecting jungkook.


The next morning jungkook woke up quite late seeing as he didn't really sleep much he was still tired.

Yet something was oddly strange today as well...even more strange than yesterday.

It was quite...too quite to say the least. Usually Taehyung wouldn't let him sleep trying to force him to talk.

Yet this time he didn't even enter the room. Jungkook made his way out to the kitchen when he saw Taehyung.

He was standing in front of the fridge shirtless...jungkook was speechless to say the least.

"Good morning". He finally managed to mumble after finally getting himself back together.

"Morning". Taehyung replied noticing how red the youngers cheeks were.

He closed the fridge and made his way to the younger.

"The full moon is in a few days...I won't be able to hold back". Taehyung whispered into the youngers ears walking past him.

Jungkook knew exactly what he meant which made him turn even more red.

Taehyung has to mark jungkook this full moon. Since jungkook was now with Taehyung he was going to start to go through heat.

Which is something he definitely wasn't excited all.

"Don't worry. I'll lock myself up". Jungkook heard Taehyung say from the living room.

Jungkook looked at the older confused. Why would he lock himself up when he could just mark jungkook.

Even though jungkook didn't really want to be marked by him he couldn't exactly refuse him.

He was an Alpha after all.

"I know you don't want me to mark you". Taehyung added cutting Jungkooks train of thought.

A part of jungkook was relieved that the older wasn't going to force him. Yet another part of him was quite disappointing...

Jungkook sat on the couch next to Taehyung wanting to ask him something but not knowing how.

"I told you it was nothing". Taehyung suddenly blurted out catching the younger by suprise.

It was as if he could literally read the youngers mind.

"It's the mate link...even though we haven't mated we have known each other for more than a month so it's strong". The older added closing his eyes for a bit.

"Are you still tired?" Jungkook asked noticing how close the older is to dozing off.

"Yes...and I know you are too". Taehyung replied turning his head so that he was facing the younger.

He moved forward his face getting closer to Jungkooks.

Jungkook was frozen in place. He could basically feel Taehyungs breath against his face.

He closed his eyes shut expecting for the older to kiss him. Yet he only brushed their lips against each other slightly and moved away.

Jungkook opened his eyes slightly disappointed not knowing why exactly.

'Why am I so's not like I like him or anything...right?'

Jungkook was quite confused at the olders actions. He didn't know why he did it yet he couldn't ask.

Knowing quite well the older would just shrug it off and not answer him.

"About yesterday...what did you mean when you said you did it to protect me?" Jungkook asked the older facing him.

"It was nothing". Taehyung replied feeling the youngers gaze. He was staring at him waiting for a proper answer.

And Taehyung knew exactly how stubborn jungkook can be.

"Would you please just tell me already". Jungkook begged.

"No means no jungkook". The older replied leaning back on the couch closing his eyes.

"Fine then...I'll force it out of you". Was all jungkook said before he sat on the olders lap.

The older looked at him both confused and surprised. What surprised him more was what the younger did next.

Jungkook leaned in linking his lips to Taehyungs....

(To be continued)

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