Part (9)

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(3rd POV)

The full moon was only a few hours away and jungkook was still being stubborn.

Taehyung has been trying to make him leave for the past 5 hours but he still wouldn't go.

He would just ignore Taehyung and talk about the weather or something. Which only pissed Taehyung more.

Taehyung knew he liked the younger but he wasn't sure how the other felt about him.

Taehyung knew what he would be getting into if he marked jungkook but the younger doesn't know a thing.

He doesn't know that Taehyungs father along with the rest of the pack want them both dead.

At first Taehyungs father only wanted to kill jungkook but Taehyung couldn't let his mate be killed.

So he did the first thing that came to mind. He rejected the boy on impulse. When his father somehow found out he asked for Jungkooks death immediately.

That's when Taehyung snapped and ran away from home. He prepared a cabin to hide jungkook in.

Yet protecting jungkook meant betraying his father and he was ready to take that risk.

Taehyung has only bullied jungkook for all those years so that no one else would dare.

He knew what jungkook was going through....he knew about it too well actually.

Yesterday a few pack mates had found the cabin and wanted to attack them. But luckily Taehyung met them half way and jumped on them.

But they were 5 and he was only 1. But he was still an alpha so he made them all pass out.

He also threatened them and he knew that the word would get to his father and that would only mean war between them.

Yet he was willing to do anything to protect his mate without the other even knowing.

Taehyung didn't want to mark jungkook because soon he was going to send jungkook away and face his father.

And he knew for a fact that him meeting his father would only end with one of them dead. But he was willing to take that risk.

"JEON JUNGKOOK FOR THE LAST TIME. GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE". Taehyung yelled for probably the 100th time today. Yet the younger didn't even flinch.

Seeing as Taehyung was still laying in the bed not being able to move from all the wounds jungkook was safe.

"So are you gonna get all Superman on the full moon or something?" Jungkook asked looking at Taehyung with a cheesy smirk on his lips.

"Well you're definitely not going to find out since YOU WILL BE OUT OF HERE BY THEN". Taehyung answered glaring at the younger.

"Will you cut it out already. I told you I'm not going anywhere". Jungkook pouted looking straight into the eyes of the older.

"Fine then...I'll go". Taehyung knew that it would be dangerous for him to go out on the full moon while he's injured.

He knew for sure his father would send someone after the two and that's one of the reasons he wanted jungkook to leave.

Because if they found this cabin he won't be able to fight them. He would be to distracted with marking jungkook. Which he isn't going to do because he knows the younger will regret it later.

Taehyung got up from the bed and started walking to the door...until he was stopped by someone grabbing his wrist.

"Is the idea of marking me that bad...." Jungkook whispered feeling his eyes sting.

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