Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Our paws pounded against the earth as we moved as swiftly as we could. Micheal needed us, he was in trouble and now we couldn't really feel him anymore. Any attempts we had to reach through to him on the pack link came up with nothing. He had been scared for Lilith and angry but I knew he was in pain. I could hear the patrols running behind me and I knew Jason was with them. We were lucky he had been running in the forest before Micheal had contacted me and my wolf.

Where is he? Jason shoved the words at me and I gave a low growl shaking it off. I didn't know where my Beta brother was and it scared me. The male he was engaged was large and dominance radiated off of him thickly and I knew that Micheal was down somewhere. A low rumble rattled our chest at the thought of us not being able to find him and him dying.

I could feel Luka pushing at the edges of my mind but I shoved him back, I needed to focus. My wolf and I were still trying to get used to working together and we needed to focus on our actions to figure out where we needed to go. There was a pitched scream of help and I immediately shifted my course, pushing ourselves harder to reach Lilith. I knew it was her, I didn't need to see her to know that was her scream. Our muscles ached as we pushed them to their limit, our paws pounding against the earth as our claws dug for a purchase each time we surged forward.

The scent of blood was heavy in the air, it coated the back of my throat and made me want to gag. "Someone help!" Lilith's voice cracked and my wolf and I shifted once more, heading straight for where her voice had come from. We skidded to a stop when there was a break in the trees. Lilith clung to Micheal, her small hands gripping his shoulders as she shook his limp form. "Don't leave me! Don't leave me! Don't leave me!" She rocked back and forth, cracking sobs shaking her entire body as she clung to him.

A snarl erupted from my wolf and I at the thought we were too late. I shifted to skin as Lilith looked at me. Red painted the world around her. It smeared across her pale skin, marking her with the brilliance it held. There was so much of the red around her and on her but I marched towards her regardless. Tears created tracks in the blood on her face as she sobbed. "He hurt him! I'm so sorry! He hurt him so bad! I couldn't stop it! It's my fault, it's my fault, it's my fault." She gave a low wailing sound, pressing her forehead to Micheal's as she gripped his pale face with blood stained fingers. I could hear the others coming to a stop behind me and I grabbed her around the waist, pulling her away from Micheal.

She gave a harsh cry and strained against my grip as Jason hit his knees next to Micheal, shoving his hands against his stomach. "I need someone with O negative blood here now! He's alive but he's lost a lot of blood, I can't stop the bleeding and regen his blood at the same time." Jason's words were barked out and everyone who had arrived shifted and scrambled.

Lilith strained against my grip, giving a choked sob. "'Nough." It came out gruff and barked but I couldn't help it. My Beta brother straddled the line between life and death. She would just get in the way. I understood that she was scared and worried but there was nothing she could do about it now. Her breathing became stuttered before she gave a piercing wail, her legs giving out from underneath her. I winced rubbing my ear against my shoulder, my wolf mimicking the actions. I fought the urge to cover her mouth with my hand to stop the sound. Lilith required a softer touch than I was capable of providing, I was not Micheal. I was not a soft male.

I wrapped my other arm around her, lifting her up as I carried her away from the bloody scene. "What do you need, Jason?" Luka brushed by me, his fury and dominance radiating off of him thickly. I bared my teeth at it, hating how everything was pushing down on me. Everything was so much simpler as a wolf. I didn't want the skin. My wolf snapped at me, a mental jolt of pain rolled through me and I snarled heavily at it.

"Ian preferably and my kit." Jason said it calmly, his voice even among the chaos of everything that was going around. I wondered how the male could be so unaffected.

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