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Six months later

I knocked on the bedroom door and once I heard Luka tell me I could come in I pushed it open. Luka grinned at me from his place on the bed beside Shey where she cradled their son to her chest looking tired but happy. She had had the boy a week ago, the pack had been excited but we had held back, letting them bond with the baby before we intruded. Even Gamgam and all of us ranked members had held back. Although I knew the ornery female had just finished with them and now it was my and Lilith's turn to visit.

"Hey." I moved through the door, holding it open for Lilith. She slipped in beside me and I closed the door gently. "How are you doing?" I kept my voice low as I looked towards Shey and she gave me a smile.

"I'm exhausted but good." She shifted the boy in her arms and smiled down at him. "We are both good." She nuzzled his forehead, looking almost blissful. I couldn't blame her, they deserved such an easy time after everything that had happened in the past year.

Luka gestured us forward with a grin on his face. "Come meet him." I grasped Lilith's hand and moved towards the bed. I and my wolf were very excited to meet the newest family member. "Micheal, meet Derek Benjamin or D.B. Sterling. We named him after my brothers." We stopped beside the bed and Shey held the boy out towards me.

I let Lilith's hand go as I took him. I cradled him close to my chest, grinning down at the small weight in my arms. "He's beautiful." I shifted him in my arms, showing Lilith the tiny infant. He felt so small in my arms but he was a hefty baby. Much bigger than the twins when they had been born.

Lilith reached up and stroked his shock of black hair away from his face. "He's cute." She smiled up at me and I nodded. He scrunched up his face and I shushed him gently as I sat on the bed. I didn't want him to wake up, he looked too adorable sleeping to start crying.

"Hey, buddy. Welcome to the family." I glanced towards Shey and Luka with a grin. Shey was leaning against Luka, a soft smile on her face as he nuzzled the side of her head. "He's doing good?" I hadn't heard much about him or his health so I assumed everything was okay but I wanted to make sure.

Luka nodded quickly, "He's perfectly healthy. He's sleeping well and he doesn't cry a lot." He glanced at Shey with a grin. "We appreciate that." I could only imagine how much they appreciated it. Heidi and Amelia had been on opposite schedules and had cried a lot. I knew this pregnancy had been hard on Shey, the worries had been vicious and the what-ifs haunted them but Shey had admitted that Ambris had told her that they wouldn't ever have a moonborn child again but I could understand their continued apprehension with the thoughts about it.

"Cute baby." Lilith cooed it and I glanced at her right as she bent down, rubbing her nose against his cheek before inhaling. "He smells happy and new." She looked up at me and I nodded before I bending down and kissing his chubby little cheek. He did smell new, like fresh life and milk. I didn't exactly know what happiness smelled like but I wasn't going to argue with her on it. If anyone would know it would be Lilith.

"He's a sweety." I pulled back and watched as he scrunched his face up, wiggling slightly before falling still. He was a fairly big baby but the girls had been so small when they had been born that any baby would have been bigger than them. "How is Heidi with him?" I shifting, looking at them both and Shey gave a wide smile.

"She adores him." She shook her head with a slight chuckle. "I pretty much have to fight her to feed him. I'm just glad Gamgam took her for the morning. She doesn't want anyone else to hold 'her baby'." She shook her head, a wider grin on her face as she did so.

"She's going to be a good big sister." I knew she would, she had doted on Shey when she was pregnant. She always was there to help her mum and get her whatever she needed. It had been absolutely adorable to watch. She was such a sweetheart and I was glad that there wasn't any issues between them. I knew it had been in the back of our minds about it. Heidi had lost her sister and we were concerned how she would take having a new sibling.

Shards of Sanity (Book 6, Forgotten Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin