Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I was stuck in some place cold and grey. I wasn't sure how long I had been stuck there bit Lilith's words still rung in my ears. I didn't want to leave her, I truly didn't. I needed to be with her, to protect her. I didn't know if Adam was dead, I hoped he was, but I needed to know for sure. I needed to make sure she was safe but I was stuck here. There was no escape, I couldn't move, I couldn't really think. I was stuck.

It was cold, so cold, the grey fog was around me and it sunk that cold deep into my bones. It was strange place to be in, time seemed meaningless and I had no idea how much of it had passed. I didn't know why I was stuck where I was, I didn't know if I had died or what. I didn't feel dead and I didn't think death looked like that. I couldn't really move, or perhaps I could and everything was the same everywhere I looked.


The whisper seemed to echo around me and I winced at it. I didn't know who was calling me. I needed to return to Lilith, to make sure she was safe and taken care of. It was what I had been put into her life for, it was my duty. Even then I didn't want to leave her alone. I wanted to be there with her to reassure her that everything was going to be okay, that it was alright. Adam had fucked me up, he did, and I didn't want her last memories of me to be so horrible. I didn't want her last moments with me to be filled with such pain, violence, and blood. I wanted to make it better, to soothe that away and let her know it was okay, that it was fine and would be fine.


The call seemed to become more insistent and I wanted to shift, to move to try and see but I wasn't sure how or if I was already doing so but simply couldn't tell. I didn't like where I was, I didn't like being stuck in the cold, grey nothing. I didn't like not knowing what was going on or why. I didn't like not knowing how much time had passed me by. I needed to get back to Lilith, needed to make sure she was okay.

"Micheal." The voice became clear and distinct and I felt like my heart dropped into my stomach as the fog seemed to recede, showing someone I never thought I would see again.

"Catherine." It came out on a gasping sort of whisper, as if I couldn't find enough air in my lungs to truly speak. She looked just how I remembered her, right from her blond curls, to her golden freckles across her nose, to her figure she always called boyish but I called graceful. It was her, right in front of me. She seemed to almost glow as well, a faint golden glow that surrounded her.

She looked distraught and she wrung her hands together, a gesture that was so familiar it was like a punch to the stomach. She was just like she had always been. It hurt that I had almost forgotten what she looked like, sounded like. "I'm so sorry, Micheal." Her voice cracked and she looked at me, her blue eyes wet. The colour was so distinctive but I was struck with how different their colour was to Lilith's. Hers were a light blue, so clear it was like looking at a light blue sky, it was comforting in a way. Lilith's were darker, almost a more vivid shade, a shade of blue that was almost captivating in its brilliance.

"I tried to tell her but things don't always get through the way they should. I was hurting her and I couldn't get it out. I am so sorry, this was all my fault." She hastily wiped at her eyes and I shook my head immediately but she lifted her hand, as if sensing I wanted to interject. "No, Micheal. I am so sorry. Everything is messed up and she is so mad." The glow seemed to brighten around her and I wanted to speak, wanted to tell her how sorry I was, how much I missed her and Bethany. I wanted to tell her this wasn't her fault, that there was no way this was her fault.

"I can't believe what has happened. I tried so hard to tell her. I did but the veil doesn't always work how you think it should." She rubbed at her face, before she crossed her arms over her chest. I knew that gesture, it was showing how insecure she was at the conversation, how vulnerable she was. She was so young. Looking at her was like stepping back in time, back to when we were just shy of turning twenty. That seemed like a lifetime ago. "She gave me this time, Mene did. So I could talk to you." She looked at me, looking so hurt and dejected and vulnerable that it broke my heart.

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