Weretiger x Gender Neutral Reader (Part 2)

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(No violence but more yandere)
It had been a year's since you had been living with Hu and his tribe. You had been noticing that he acted a little different. When you weren't around he was more agitated and more aggressive, but once you got in his sights it's like he completely changes.

You ignored this though, deciding to just shrug it off. Today you was supposed to be a sacred day. It was the eclipse, and each time there was an eclipse a special ritual was done. It involved a sacrifice of something each of the tribe members considered sacred to them. They would throw it in a fire and sing and dance all day and night until they couldn't anymore.

You were excited to see this play out, you wanted to see what would happen. You were getting to know their customs more and understand their way of living. They were all sorcerers, but there it one that would be more powerful than the others, this sorcerer was destined to rule them until they die. Once they die then they appoint strongest and they hey will become ruler. You wanted to learn magic so badly, but they said you didn't have the mythical properties to actually do magic, so all you could do was watch them.

Right now everyone was getting ready for the ritual, a feast was about to be held in the center of the village. You were put in an earth colored dress with patterns around the sleeve, back, and front with a belt that has the same patterns. Some of the tribal women also chose jewelry for you that was meant for both men and women. You were excited for this, and since you were the leader's mate, you would be treated as a high official, well, you were second in command. If Hu wasn't around then that meant you were in charge.

The only thing is that some didn't want to listen to you because you were a human. They saw humans as less powerful being and lower on the food chain, but Hu didn't see you as that, he saw you as above the other tribe members, as a reincarnation of a goddess. He was going to keep you and make sure you're always safe. You could say that over the past year he had grown obsesses with you. All he ever wanted was to be with you, to hold you and care for you. He was madly in love, but he didn't care, he would kill for you if he had to. He wouldn't let anyone else touch you.

You walked out of the cave that he used as a den. Hu had been waiting outside to see you, and once he did he was taken aback by your beauty. He smiled, walking over and shooing the other females away, taking a hold of you and smiling. "You look so beautiful Kitten." He said softly, kissing your head.

You smiled at this, blushing slightly and looking up at him with loving eyes. "Well, why don't we go out to feast with everyone else." You said softly and he nodded, taking you hand in his as you two walked back to everyone else.

You sat down beside him as people talked and laughed, chomping down on deer and other dead animals that were cooked, but barely even cooked. Yours was cooked enough to not make you sick though, Hu would have lied someone if you got sick.

He talked to some of the females of the tribe while you ate silently. This was until a male sat beside you and smiled. "Hello! I am Bai, I hope you're enjoying your stay with us, I know we aren't the best to hang out with." He said, chuckling slightly and rubbing the back of his neck.

You smiled, swallowing the piece of meat you were chewing before answering him. "I actually really enjoy it here, it's better than human civilization." You said. He seemed a little shocked by this answer, but nodded and smiled brightly. "That's good, I'm glad." He said, beginning to eat his food.

You two talked about random stuff and how it was in the human world. What you didn't realize was the intense glare Hu was sensing to Bai.

Bai had noticed though and instantly stopped talking, looking down at his lap and silently eating. You were confuse by this before looking at Hu and glaring back at him. "You know, if you can talk to other then I can too." You said, frowning slightly.

"I only want you to talk to females, no one else." He said, taking a bite from his meat. You frowned, glaring at him as anger surged through you. "What's wrong with talking to other males?" You asked, trying to control your anger. "I don't trust them around you, they might do something to you and I don't want that." He said, looking at you with serious eyes. "Don't talk to any other male except me."

You scoffed, rolling your eyes and taking another bite of your food. He didn't seem too happy at this, he glared at you as you two stayed silent, ignoring anyone who talked to you. After the ritual and the dancing, you went to the den to go and sleep, Hu following close behind you.

You just ignored him, laying on the furs that made up the bed and pulled one over you. He laid down beside you, cuddling up to you, but you tried pushing away. It was no use though, hr kept you close, refusing to let you more at all, not even turn.

Soon enough you gave up. You just laid there as he fell asleep with you in his arms. He would never let you go, he was going to keep you for as long as he can, even after death you will still be his. You can't escape him, no matter how far you run....

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