Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Jason’s POV

            I could tell that her family loved her and missed her, but she ran from them. I wasn’t sure why yet, but I was planning on fining out. And I had an idea that it had to do with her ex-mate. Tanner growls at the idea of anyone causing our mate pain. I smile. I would give my life to keep her happy and safe.

            I take her to my room and place her in my bed. Covering her up, I crawl in beside her. She sighs and curls into my chest. I smile again. Placing my arm around her waist, I lay my head on the pillow and close my eyes. Peace settled around the two of us as I fell asleep.

            I opened my eyes surprised to find myself standing in a clearing that I didn’t recognize. Hearing voices, I turn to see Tyler stepping through the leaves of a willow. I follow her. Standing in front of us was a guy that looked a little like Tyler. I assumed that this was Sam, her brother. Beside him was a girl. I couldn’t find the words to describe her, she was beyond beautiful.

            She smiles at me. “Hello Jason. I’m the moon goddess. Please seat.” I sit down and pull Tyler into my lap. Her laugh rings in my ear causing me to smile at her. “The reason I pulled both of you here is to talk about Tyler’s memoires. I’ve never given back memories to a second chance mate, but only because at the time, they didn’t want them back. It has been well over 500 years since I had any reason to create a second mate bond.” She smiles at us. “Thank you moon goddess for giving us a second chance.” I whisper softly hugging Tyler.

            “You deserve her Jason. And she deserves you. I know that you’ll take care of her no matter what happens. That is why I have decided to grant her wish. Tyler,” she says smiling kindly at my mate, “I know that you think Sam’s death is your fault. It wasn’t darling. It was the rouge who poisoned you, and who killed Sam. You did your best.

            “Now, when you wake up, you will remember everything. But the pain and sadness will be gone. You will only recall the happy times with Sam, and you won’t even feel anything when you remember your ex-mate.” She smiles and both of them disappear. I look at Tyler and darkness settled around me.

            I jerk awake and look over at Tyler. She was asleep with a smile on her face. I calm my racing heart and kiss her cheek. Pulling her closer to me, I let sleep claim me yet again. But this time there was no dream.

Tyler’s POV

            I couldn’t believe my dream. But I was surprised that Jason was in it. Waking up, I turn over and saw him beside me. I smile before quickly slipping out of the bed. Silently making my way to the kitchen, I open the fridge and take out a carton of eggs and a slab of bacon. Soon the aroma of both filled the kitchen and waltzed up the stairs. I heard several doors slam and the flurry of running feet. Jason, Daniel and my dad step into the kitchen with a sleepy grin on their faces.

            Nodding to the table, I told Daniel to get Uncle Ralph down for breakfast as well. I place a helping of eggs and bacon on everyone’s plate. Sitting the skillet in the sink, I run some hot soapy water on it, and sit down. I’ll wash it after we eat along with everything else. I smile at my dad. “Good morning Daddy.” I say softly, but I can tell he heard me. He freezes and looks at me along with everyone at the table except for Jason.

            I smile at them. “What? Can’t a girl tell her dad good morning without everyone acting like she has two heads or something?” My laugh fills the room. Dad’s smile grows. “Good morning to you to sweetheart.” We were almost finished eating when I broke the silence again.

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