Part (2)

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(Jungkooks POV)

So right now I was pushed against the wall by my so called fiancé who has been threatening me for what felt like an hour.

And let me tell you right now he was all looks no brains. He thought I would actually give in to his threats. I'm not a child nor am I a coward.

"You will end this marriage. And that's FINAL". He yelled at me for the millionth time.

I was honestly unfazed by all of this. Why you may ask? Because I don't care about mean bastards like my fiancé.

"For the last time. I WILL NOT DO THAT". I spat pushing him away only to be pushed against the wall again only this time he pushed me too hard.

I uncontrollably whimpered at the pain putting my hand on my head only to hear him growl in dominance.

"Don't do that EVER again". He growled angrily finally letting me go. I pushed him to the side making my way out of the kitchen only to have him grab my wrist and squeeze it hardly.

"Let...go". He was squeezing hardly and it really hurt. This is surely going to leave a bruise if he doesn't let go right now.

"Not until you do what I say". He threatened squeezing my wrist even more making me flinch.

"It...hurts". I whimpered. I didn't want to come off as week but his claws were sleeping through my skin and it hurt...a lot.

We had just met and he's already threatening me and abusing me. Just great...As if what happened 2 years ago wasn't enough.

(3rd POV)

Taehyung has been trying to convince the younger to break the marriage knowing he was his only way out.

His father wouldn't listen to him and he doesn't want to marry anyone let alone a guy.

But he did have to admit he did feel a weird pull when he met jungkook for the first time.

He has had enough with the youngers stubbornness. He pulled him out to the garden to make sure that no one would hear what he was about to say.

"Listen here you little prick, you are going to go back inside right now and break that marriage DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?". Jungkook flinched...his eyes were stinging him and he didn't understand why.

It wasn't that he was scared or anything. But the way Taehyung was yelling at him brought back bad memories.

"Please stop". Jungkook shut his eyes and tried to steady his breath. He couldn't take it anymore. Yet he held everything back not wanting to come off as weak.

"NOT UNTIL YOU DO AS I SAY". Taehyung yelled pushing the younger which resulted with Jungkook falling to the ground.

Jungkook looked up at his so called fiancé with a death glare. His eyes shifted to their bloody red color and he growled.

He couldn't control himself anymore. His wolf thought he was in danger so he jumped out wanting to protect his human.

"𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧". Taehyung knew that the one that was talking wasn't Jungkook. He backed away a bit and just on time Jimin burst into the garden.

"BLACK STOP". Jimin yelled running towards his brother. He hugged his brother whispering calming words in his ears.

Suddenly Jungkooks eyes shifted back to their original brown color and he passed out. Luckily Jimin was there to catch him.

"You". Jimin growled giving the older a death glare.

"I don't know what you did...but if you ever do it again I'll hunt you down". He added before taking Jungkook inside.

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