Part (5)

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(3rd POV)

It's been 3 weeks since Jungkook started living with Taehyung and it honestly sucked...

He would wake up everyday and eat his meals alone. Taehyung wouldn't even look at him let alone talk to him.

He would sit in their house all alone, sometimes in the library they had in their house and sometimes in the kitchen.

He would sometimes sneak out and go to the secret garden Jin told him about. He loved it out was peaceful.

The fact that Taehyung had ignored his presence kinda of hurt...he could at least acknowledge his presence.

Jungkook had just finished cleaning the place which is something he did everyday since Taehyung wouldn't let the maids come here.

"Finally.." Jungkook sighed snicking in the couch. He closed his eyes wanting to rest a bit.

His back was hurting him for always sleeping on the hard couch so he decided to do something...

He knew Taehyung wouldn't come back any time soon so he took the chance and went to sleep in the bed room.

He had been inside to clean several times but he has never dared sleep there or anything.

As soon as he laid down on the bed he felt comfort he hadn't felt in weeks. He pulled the blanket up loving the warmth.

He slowly drifted to sleep not even was just too comfortable.


Jungkook shot up from the bed when someone spilled cold water on him.

"WHAT THE HELL". Jungkook yelled rubbing his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes he felt his heart drop into his stomach.

"I..." Jungkook started but flinched when Taehyung started yelling at him for sleeping on his bed.

'Technically it's our bed' Jungkook thought closing his eyes and lowering his head.

He was too tired and he knew that arguing with the older wouldn't do him any good so he just sat there and listened.

Suddenly Taehyung grabbed his face harshly and forced Jungkook to face him.

His eyes shifted to their fiery red and he growled...Jungkook closed his eyes trying to calm himself.

"Let go..."Jungkook whispered ignoring the olders demands, Taehyung wanted for the younger to look him in the eyes but the younger wouldn't which only got him more pissed.

"I said LOOK AT ME". Taehyung yelled pushing the younger which resulted in Jungkook falling on the hard wooden floor and hitting the back of his head on the bed frame.

Jungkook wanted to cry...he wanted to let it all out but he wouldn't. He had to stay strong for his family, they needed the protection.

"Are you done?" Jungkook asked Taehyung all emotion drained from his face.

For the past 3 weeks Taehyung had been ignoring him and if he wasn't ignoring him he would be yelling at him.

Jungkook has gotten used to it by now...even though it hurt more and more every time he had ignored all the pain.

Jungkook pushed Taehyung to the side and left him standing in the room while he made his way outside.

Even though it was one of the coldest nights he still made his way to the was the only place he actually liked.

He sat on the cold grass inhaling the smell of the grass and flowers. He loved the feeling of the cold winter breeze on his face. It made him feel free.

Suddenly he felt tears streaming down his face. He had no control over them...they just kept flowing.

"I shouldn't cry over this...I'm not weak". Jungkook chuckled trying to wipe away his tears but failing to stop them.

He clenched his fists gripping the grass tearing it off. He felt his heart burning...he never had any luck with relationships let alone love.

"What did I do to deserve this...." He whispered under his breath bringing his knees up so that he can hide his face between them.

He hid his face and tried to control his sobs...he didn't want anyone to know he was crying. He didn't want anyone to know how weak he really is.

Jin was standing outside of the glass door his heart breaking over the younger. He wanted to go and comfort him but he knew the younger needed some time alone.

In the mean time Jin knew what he was going to do. The reason for this innocent child's tears is sitting on the bed sleeping with comfort.

'Well not for long' Jin thought making his way angrily to Jungkooks and Taes part of the house.

He didn't even bother knock he just barged into the room making sure to slam the door behind him.

Taehyung stared at Jin in confusion, he was about to ask him what he was doing here. But before he could say anything Jin grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall.

"Hyung what the hell?" Taehyung looked at Jin a confused look drawn on his face.

"ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?" Jin yelled which made Taehyung flinch.

He was shocked...he had never seen Jin like this even though he had known him for years.

Jin was always this ball of sunshine. He was always smiling and forgiving, he never got angry.

Taehyung was also confused at Jim's accusation. He wanted to ask what Jin meant but the older had beat him to it.

"HE IS CRYING RIGHT NOW BECAUSE OF YOU, you made an innocent boy cry because of your own issues, your own heartless, stupid reasons". Jin started yelling at Taehyung and the younger couldn't even open his mouth to argue.

"So what if your father forced you to marry him. Did you even think that maybe he had agreed to this for his own reasons". Taehyung felt a pang in his heart.

He felt guilty...maybe he had been mean to the younger and acted without thinking about his feelings.

Jungkook had actually told Jin the reason he had accepted this marriage proposal...and his reason was heartbreaking.

"Will you just start using your head again? What happened to you Tae you weren't like this before". Jin finally let go of the younger taking a step back.

"You've changed a lot, but don't let this boy pay for something he didn't have control over". That was the last thing Jin said before he left the room.

Taehyung stood there too shocked to even move a finger...he never felt more shitty in his life.

He never felt more regretful....


Jungkook had felt oddly tired suddenly and slept on the grass with no cover.

He had slept there for 2 hours and woke up shivering from the cold air.

His body felt heavy and he could barely stand let alone walk. He struggled with walking to his shared room with Tae.

He felt like he was on fire and the cold wooden floor made him feel even worse.

When he was about to open the door it suddenly sprung open and someone came out.

"JUNGKOOK". Jin exclaimed catching the younger just as soon as he passed out.

'He's burning up' Jin thought trying to wake up the younger but it was with no use.

(Jungkooks POV)

I heard Jin hyung call for me and suddenly everything went black.

A few moments later it felt like someone was carrying was warm and comfortable.

Suddenly I started drifting off to sleep...


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