It's Lonely

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Wanring there is some graphic content in this chapter and will be throughout this story. I don't condone drug use unless prescribed by a doctor. 

It was late at night, the city lit by sparkling lights and Kara could hear all the sounds that never appeared during the day. She could hear the girls walking the corners, the dealers selling things from drugs, and guns, to information, and shoes.

She couldn't help the watery laugh that escaped her. No matter what she did or how many criminals she stops, it's never going to end. She learned that now, that no matter what she did, she wasn't really changing anything. 

Maybe she should just stop, it's not like anyone would care. Her sister hasn't been to a sister night in almost two months. Winn, and James haven't had the time for her with doing guardian things. Mon El is complete asshole all the time along with her new boss. She's just so alone. 

But then there's Lena. Kara had been attracted to the very first time they met. Not just physically, but as a person in general. She just seemed to understand her in ways no one else did, and it made Kara's attraction stronger everyday. 

And now she hasn't had the time for her either. Being a CEO, of a multi million dollar company she understands Lena won't always have the time for her but now they only talk once a week, if that. 

Sighing to herself she was about to go to Al's, and if she didn't see anyone she new, get a bottle, and drown her sorrows. That was until she heard something interesting. Normally she'd be swooping down to 'save the day', or stop what was happening but right now, maybe it's just the right thing she needs.

Taking off from the ledge of a building she'd been sitting on, she flew towards where she heard the voices. Landing a block away and pulling the hood of her dark hoodie up she made her way to the people talking in the alley up ahead. 

What she found was a couple aliens, not taking the time to figure out what they actually were, more interested in what they're doing. One of them has a small cooler that they took too small baggies out of and handed to the other two, who handed over some cash and left. 

Taking a deep breath and stealing her nerves she approached the figure with the cooler, she can now tell has a female form, and getting her attention.

"Haven't seen you around before." She said looking Kara over shortly. "First time I take it?" 

"Y-yes." She replied nervously.

"Hey your alright, everyone has a first. You get better the more you do it." Pausing, she looked her up and down longer this time before seemingly coming to a decision. "I take it you don't know how to use?"

Momentarily confused, Kara scrunched up her nose, causing the other women that, if Kara's being honest, is absolutely gorgeous. She has extremely pale skin, with long raven hair framing beautiful, luminescent yellow eyes. Once she understood what she meant she shook her head, a small blush dusting her cheeks.

"That's alright hun. I have a proposition for you." Looking at her curiously she continued. "I don't want your first time being a negative experience, and I don't want you to OD. So why don't you come back to my apartment, it's just me there and i'll show you a good time." She finished with a wink.

Blushing some more she thought over her offer. Normally, she wouldn't even consider it, but she usually wouldn't consider doing drugs either. Thinking she has nothing to really lose, that's why she's here, she finally agrees.

The woman's face lights up in  beautiful smile before motioning Kara to follow, and taking off to her apartment. 

"So what's your name beautiful?" She asks as they enter her surprisingly nice apartment.

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