Start of Healing

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Third POV:

"Kara honey, breakfast is ready." Maggie called into Kara's bedroom, getting a low groan from the ball of covers.

The cuteness that is what Maggie is quickly coming to view as a little sister brought a smile to her face. She made her way over to the bed grabbed the covers, and yanked.

Letting out a loud squeak, Kara tried burrowing into the mattress and pillows. 

"Nah ah uh." Maggie let out with a huff. "Come on, get up. There's bacon and eggs with fresh orange juice."

Kara cracked an eye open peering at Maggie with a sour look on her face. "Are you trying to bribe me?" She questioned drowsily.

"I am." Came the deadpan response. 

After a few seconds and the smell of the food flooding Kara's nose saw her up and out of bed.

Snickering, Maggie followed after the sleepy blonde and sat down to eat her own food.

Alex took a seat next to Maggie across from Kara and dug into her own meal. Alex was sending Kara little glances the whole breakfast and finally, Kara had enough.

"What Alex!" The blonde exclaimed. 

Alex shifted nervously on her chair before finally replying. "I just wanted to ask why you never mentioned liking girls before."

The blonde huffed out a relieved sigh. She thought it would be something worse, not saying she wasn't caught off guard though. 

"I-I never thought it was something important that warranted me telling you. On Krypton, we had our partners chosen by Houses and Rankings, what would benefit Krypton the best." Taking a slight pause to build her courage, she continued. "A-and I was worried, y-you wouldn't accept me, after coming to earth I heard and saw how some people treated, gay and lesbian people as you all called it, and I was scared. And by the time you came out, it seemed like a such a small thing compared to what was going on a-a-and..."

"It's okay." Alex said, cutting her off and reaching out to hold her hand. "I will always accept and love you Kara. I am upset at the way I ended up finding out about it." She paused as an involuntary shiver ran down her spine, she wished she could bleach her mind. "But you don't have to worry okay, I'm here for you and that will never change." 

Tears began falling from the blondes eyes. She had been worried that with all that is happening now and how much of a burden she has been ever since she came to live with the Danvers, that Alex wouldn't want anything to do with her.

"Enough with the tears little Danvers." Maggie was beginning to tear up as well, but she would never admit it. 

A watery laugh escaped Kara seeing Maggie furiously wiping her eyes. 

That's how the rest of the week went. Kara quit her job that afternoon, and Alex and Maggie stayed at her house, making sure she was okay and helping her heal. She still had some bad days where either one of them had to take off work to make sure she was safe. 

Kara worked on the projects she's hoping to show Lena. It was hard the first couple days from going through mild withdrawal, but with her Kryptonian body it didn't last long. It was the day before her first meeting Maggie was going to take her to that an unexpected, but welcome surprise came.

Lena was worried. Her friend hasn't called or texted her back in days. Steeling her nerves she told Jess to cancel her meetings for the day. Calling her driver she made her way over to CatCo. It was when she got there and James telling her that Kara hadn't been in, in a few days that caused her worry to become nearly a full blown panic.

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