Start of Healing

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Third POV:

It was as the sun began peaking through the tightly shut blinds that Alex woke from her uncomfortable position on the couch. Getting up, she ambled her way to the bathroom before making a pot of coffee and sitting patiently in the kitchen for Kara to wake up.

She had forgotten to call Maggie last night to tell her she was okay, and that she found Kara. Holding her cup of coffee, she contemplated calling Maggie and what she should say. Deciding to just give her a quick call and tell her she's fine, she got out her phone.

Kara woke to sun shining through barely open blinds, and hitting her in the face. Usually the sun always feels nice on her skin, but after the first month or two of being on Blue it began to become irritating. She also noticed that she was getting paler, and skinnier as time went on but she couldn't bring herself to care.

As she threw back her blankets, she remembered last night. Her stomach instantly sunk and she rushed to the bathroom, heaving and retching into the toilet. 

Alex hearing the noise, quickly hung up telling Maggie she had to go. Rushing into the bathroom, she pulled Kara's hair out of the way and began rubbing small circles on her back.

After settling down, Alex led Kara back into bed before going to get some water. Handing the cup to the still shaky Kryptonian, she sat on the edge of the bed stroking Kara's damp hair as she drank. 

"I'm so sorry Kara." Alex started, feeling tears beginning to roll down her face. "I'm sorry I haven't been here for you, but please this has to stop."

Tears began pooling in Kara's still puffy eyes from the night before as she cuddled into her sister. "I don't know how." 

"Then let me help you." Wrapping her arms around Kara she brought her closer and continued stroking her hair. "I'm not going to leave you. I've told Maggie I'll be staying here with you for a while."

"O-okay." Kara said softly sniffing back her tears.

"Come on." Alex started, getting up and pulling Kara with her. "Let's get some food in you and then we can talk some more. I'll always be here for you, okay."

Nodding and following Alex into the kitchen, Kara sat at the kitchen table while Alex started making breakfast. 

Kara forced down the food, even if she wasn't hungry knowing Alex wouldn't let her starve herself. 

Sitting across from her little sister, Alex took in a deep breath and let it out with sigh.

"Is what you said last night true, about not wanting to be Supergirl anymore?" She asked.

Taking a small sip from her cup, Kara looked down into her empty plate. "Y-yes. I can't d-do it anymore. I-it's making me s-sick."

Taking another shaky breath, Alex reached across the table and took Kara's hands into her own.

"O-okay Kara, I'll support you no matter what you decide. If you really need to stop being Supergirl, then that's what you'll do, okay."

Nodding her head as tears slipped down her cheeks Kara squeezed her sisters hands. "I w-want to quit a-at CatCo as w-well."

Looking slightly taken aback, Alex took a second to process what she just heard before speaking. "Are you sure Kara, that was your dream job."

"N-no it's not." Kara said shaking her head. "I-I've always wanted to study science, but you, mom and dad, a-always said that I couldn't stand out, t-that I had to act normal. S-so I studied by myself when I had time, b-but I could never do anything with the things I made."

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