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Third POV:

"L-Lena!" Kara exclaimed. It had been so long since she had seen the brunette haired woman. Her stomach did a little flip at the small smirk, and twinkling emerald eyes directed at her.

"Did I scare you?" Lena asked, barely concealing her amusement. 

Kara blushed heavily stuttering out a reply, "Pshhh, nooo, you didn't..." She trailed off. "Yeah ok, maybe a little." She admitted. 

Lena laughed, a full belly laugh that sent the blonde into a blushing mess. She smirked slightly as she noticed the heavy blush Kara was sporting. But it was instantly wiped from her face and replaced with concern when she really looked at her friend.

Kara's skin was pale and slightly sickly looking. Her cheeks were sunken and dark rings surrounded her sky blue eyes. A black tee shirt and jeans hung loosely from her frame, showing just how much weight she had lost. The shirt revealed her thin arms and hands.

"K-Kara, are you okay? I went by CatCo, but James told me you hadn't been in, in a while." She asked, any previous sign of mischievousness gone. 

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. A-And I actually quit at CatCo." Kara responded, nervously bringing her arms to her chest self consciously. Even with how much Alex, and Maggie, had been helping, it was still a slow process of getting her weight, and confidence back up.

"What?" That was the last thing she ever thought she'd hear come out of Kara's mouth. "I thought you loved it there."

As Kara drew in a shaky breath, Lena could practically feel her inner struggle.

Lena crouched down in front of Kara, and brought her hands up to cup the blondes cheeks, making sure Kara's eyes were on hers. 

"You know you can tell me anything, right." She started, wiping a tear that had escaped the blondes eyes. "I'm sorry I haven't had much time to meet and be together lately. I finally got the company under control and am able to take more time away from work." 

A few more tears rolled down Kara's cheeks, with Lena gently wiping each away. 

"I miss our lunches." Kara admitted quietly.

"I know, I do to. I'm sorry I haven't been much of a friend to you for the last few weeks." Lena continued rubbing Kara's cheeks gently even as the blonde brought her own hands up to hold Lena's. "But I'm here now and I want to make it up to you."

Now a tear of her own slipped past her cheek. Looking Kara over she could see just how much her friend has truly been suffering. 

After a few more moments Kara pulled back with a sniffle and wiped her away the remaining tears. 

"I won't press Kara, but I am here for you. When you're ready to talk, I will be here." 

That sent fresh tears flowing down the blondes cheeks, at what her friend would think of her when she found out what she'd done. 

Lena brought her into her arms and held her as she cried. 

"I w-want to t-tell you everything, b-but I'm s-scared." Kara admitted as she cried. "And, I-I'm n-not ready t-to tell you everything y-yet."

"If your not ready then I will wait for you to be, there is no pressure Darling. There is nothing you could tell me that would make me stop caring for you Kara." Lena admitted. And she meant every word. She would always accept Kara, no matter what.

"I'm, I'm an..." Kara broke down crying again before she could finish.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, just take your time." Lena soothed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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