Chapter 7

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Sasukes POV

I woke up and it was dark outside. The window in the hospital room was big showing me a good portion of this City named New York. Tall buildings that touched the sky and loud honking from what they call Cars down below. I've never seen something like it before. But then again it doesn't really shock me considering I've seen many things others have not.

Naruto stirred in his sleep mumbling about food and smiled softly. Sometimes he can look like a sleep baby fox but be as fierce as the demon that lay inside of him. I got up and went exploring trying to get used to the layout of the house. I eventually stumbled upon a kitchen and saw a refrigerator. I opened it and saw a lot of foods in a different language. So far everyone has been speaking in our language but in other times they switch back to a different one.

I saw that they had milk and pulled it out the fridge. After finding a cup I poured the milk in and put the milk back. I felt someone's presence and turned around Sharingan in place. I knew I had my Renningan but for some reason just like my eternal mangekyou Sharingan it will only appear with training.

"Whoa there! It's just me." Steve flinched.

"What are you doing here." I asked coldly.

"I was just getting me a glass of water." Steve chuckled sheepishly.

"You've been training right?" I asked suddenly.

"Oh uh.. yeah. Just now actually." He smiled.

"I want to train with you. I need to see how strong I am at the moment." I turned to him the blonde with a poker face.

"Ok follow me!" He chirped. We eventually went into some kind of training room with a lot of different unknown equipment.

"Come with me with all you got." He instructed. I nodded and rushed towards in full speed. I wasn't nearly as fast as I was when I was 17 though. I jumped in the air and went to kick down on his shoulder but he grabbed my ankle and threw me to the ground. I quickly got up and kicked him again this time my leg was coated with chakra causing him to fly.

I activated my Sharingan and motioned for him to get up. He smiled and came rushing in.

Narutos POV

When I opened my eyes I was standing in front of Kuruma in my mindscape.

"I see you finally decided to wake up kit." The old demons voice echoed. I smiled and ran towards him.

"I'm sorry!!" I apologized sheepishly.

"It's fine Kit. But it seems like you got yourself in a whole different world." Kuruma sighed.

"Yeah but we're going to try and find a way back Dattebayo!" I chirped.

"Kit that's not possible..." Kuruma said softly.

"What do you mean? We can go back right?" I chuckled nervously hoping this was another one of his sick jokes.

"Well at least not with our powers it will have to be from something of this world. If there is no such thing then we will never be able to leave." Kuruma explained.

I fell to the ground and slumped against Kurumas side.

"Cheer up Kit. You always find a way to accomplish your goals." Kuruma rubbed his head on my cheek. (Kyuubi shrunked himself a bit)

"You should probably wake up now. I'll be here gathering up chakra." Kuruma smirked. I nodded and woke up in the real world. It was bright out and Sasuke was no where to be seen.

I wandered dow the hall smelling food being made. My mouth watered and I saw all of the people who saved us eating breakfast. Sasuke was among them drinking a cup of tea.

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