Chapter 10: Winter Soldier Arc|| Clad in Black

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We both walked in to the building and saw that there was still a meeting in place. A woman was telling her story about swerving after seeing a plastic bag mistaking it for a IED. I looked at Steve with a confused expression as he just motioned to keep quiet and listen.

"Some stuff you leave there, other stuff you bring back. It's our job to figure out how to carry it. Is it going to be in a big suitcase or in a little man purse. The choice is yours." Sam replied. And with that everyone soon got up and left. I assumed that was his parting words for the rest to go home and think about.

After Sam said his goodbyes he walked towards Steve and I.

"Look who it is the running man and his son." Sam smirked.

"For the last time he's not my son. I haven't married anyone yet he's a friend." Steve sighed.

"With that being said, I caught the last few minutes, that was pretty intense."

"Yeah brother, we all got the same problems. Guilt, Regret." Sam frowned while grabbing something off the table. His last few words resonated in me. Regrets I've had a few the guilt of breaking my promise also weighed in on me. My eyes lowered to my feet and I shifted uncomfortably with how the conversation was going. Steve took notice and went to grab my shoulder to try and comfort me but I grabbed his wrist tightly causing him to slightly wince.

"Oops! I'm sorry you scared me I'm gonna go wait outside it's cold in here." I chuckled awkwardly and walked away wanting nothing to do with that conversation.

Steve's POV:

"What's up with him?" Sam asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He lost a lot of people and saw things no child should see. I think our conversation made him uncomfortable." I frowned looking worriedly at the blonde ninja that stood outside.

"Aw man shitty world we live in." Sam sighed.

"Well that's where our jobs come in. We try and make the world it but more bearable." I replied with a weak smile.

"You got that right brother." Sam nodded.

Naruto's POV:

The ride back home was silent and my mood was still a little down.

"You want me to order some ramen when we get home? Then we could watch movies how does that sound kid?" Steve asked nudging me a bit.

"Really they have ramen here?! We gotta watch the transformers movie that's my favorite!" I grinned already forgetting what I was sad about.

"Ok ok we'll watch transformers but first you need to wash up." The old soldier grinned.

"Yes sir!" I chirped skipping upstairs in excitement.

"Naruto it's night time no running up the stairs!" Steve scolded.

I stopped when I saw a woman on the phone holding a basket. Steve caught up with me and paused when he saw her to. I smirked and snickered to myself seeing his reaction.

"My aunt she's kind of an insomniac." The lady chuckled getting off her phone.

"Hey, i-if you want you're welcome to use my machine." Steve stuttered causing me to giggle. He sent a pointed look at me and I averted my eyes.

"Might be cheaper than the one in the basement." Steve smirked.

"Oh really? What's it cost?" She raised an eyebrow clearly amused.

"A cup of coffee?" Steve replied.

"Thank you but um.. I already have a load downstairs and I really don't want my scrubs in your machine. I just finished a rotation in the infectious disease ward, so.." She explained awkwardly.

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