Chapter 3

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Ibraheem's POV:

The election campaign was a success and the flight to Islamabad was in two hours. I had planned to go get something to eat with Fahad and Kamran but Saba called and said it was urgent so I decided to have dinner with her. I could tell Fahad wanted to kill her for being this clingy and Kamran didn't give two shits about her either but they knew I could handle her so they weren't worried about her leading me on or anything. I had dealt with enough of her type in my life.

I had met Saba at a party three months ago. I was busy getting drunk with the boys when I caught sight of bright blue eyes from a distance. For a second, I felt my heart stop. The eyes looked so much like Misha that I couldn't help but walk towards her. At a closer look, I realized the lights had reflected and made them look blue but they were in fact grey. She was sitting alone and looking at her phone when I approached her. The moment she looked up at me, I knew she wasn't Misha but in my drunken state, I had hoped it was her. I smiled at her like I was smiling at Misha and she took a few seconds to recognize me and when she did, an excitement of some sort lightened up in her eyes. I don't remember much of what happened that night but just that when I woke up the next day at Fahad's place, I had a killer headache and Saba's number was saved in my phone. And for some reason, I just let it happen because even for a second, I had hoped that she could look like Misha to me. But I was so wrong about that.

The years after I had stopped talking to Misha were borderline hell. I waited to somehow magically meet her again for one year, two years, three years and slowly I started losing hope. She had told me if God had planned it, it was meant to be but by the forth year, I completely lost it. She wasn't coming back. I just knew it. She never will. Med school had gotten tough and at one point, I just wanted to drop out. Nothing made sense anymore. I barely pulled through med school and once, I was done with it, I had no idea what to do next until father told me to pursue politics. 

I wasn't big on that idea as well but it was better than nothing and after a lot of years, I felt my heart finally race when I heard people call out my name during elections campaign, it gave me a thrill I hadn't felt in years and so I focused on becoming a politician. Nothing mattered anymore, Misha wasn't coming back in my life and I needed to move on.

"Hey Ibraheeeeem!" I heard Saba's high pitched voice call out to me and I sighed before plastering on a smile. As always, she was wearing something seductive. This time it was a tight fitted tank top with skinny ripped jeans.

"Hey." I greeted back as she sat down in front of me. I observed her for a bit, just like I always did and I came to the same conclusion like I had been coming to for the last two months that I had known her. I knew one thing for sure.

Saba was nothing like Misha. Sure her eyes were grey and similar to Misha's but they didn't shine bright like Misha's did. Her smile didn't make my day and her dressing didn't attract me despite her wearing exposing clothes. Saba could never be Misha and it was my fault for thinking she could ever replace the void Misha had left in me. Suddenly, the silver chain I was wearing around my neck felt heavier. I didn't wear the silver chain every day but today was an election campaign and that chain felt like a good luck charm.

Misha had fucked me over in more than one ways. Thanks to her, I was always looking for her in other girls. I wasn't even interested in other girls but paranoia had driven me insane. Every colored eye girl seemed like Misha. Green eyes seemed blue, Hazel eyes seemed blue and even Grey eyes seemed blue but none of them were Misha. They could never be Misha. And so I started drinking again to forget the color of her eyes, the sound of her voice and the way she smiled. I tried to forget it all.

I had wanted to go back to her countless times. I had even asked Fahad and Kamran to stop me if I ever tried because I knew if I tried meeting her again, her parents would marry her off to someone else. I couldn't bear that either but staying away from her was hell too.

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