Chapter 29

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Misha's POV:

I entered the house quietly but ammi was already waiting for me in the lounge. I swallowed as I looked at her with a nervous smile. I greeted her with a salaam. I couldn't tell her I was married right now. Nope. That was literally asking for a death wish. I will wait for the right time.

"How was your day?"

"It was good." It wasn't exactly a lie. I mean, it started off traumatizing but it ended well, right? Right? No? Okay then.

"Did you find your phone?" I could hear the concern laced in her voice and suddenly I felt guilt pull at my heart.

"Gee ammi jaan."

"Don't lose it again. You scared all of us. Be more careful. I thought something happened to you." Ammi moved to hug me and I hugged her back. A mother's sixth sense really hits different. How was I going to break this news to her? To all of them? I snapped out of my thoughts when she asked me another question.

"Are you hungry? I made Biryani and Kheer."

"Not really. I will eat it in a while." I smiled back at her, this time without the nervousness. The right time will come. I am sure.

"Alright, well go rest up then." She smiled at me as she patted my head. She started to walk towards her bedroom and I climbed up the stairs to my own room. The moment I closed my door, I felt my phone vibrating and took it out of my bag.

Zoya was requesting a conference call? With me and Rubab? I quickly grabbed my headphones from the dressing table and picked up the call. Rubab picked up at the same time.

"Zoya, Rubab did you guys-"I was about to ask them if they got home safely but Zoya's shrieking voice completely cut me off.


"Why? What happened?" My heart beat suddenly started to race. Rubab was awfully silent. All I could hear was her breathing.


"What? How?" Rubab was still silent.

"This isn't even the worst part. I don't have a lot of time before my brothers or cousins barge in so just hear me out. I barely got away from my family to call you guys and tell you the more important news." Zoya said in haste.

"There is something bigger than this?"

"I am leaving the country. Again. I don't know where or for how long. Abbu just announced it out of the blue. He said it's for my safety. They are afraid that Kamran might belong to that family from my childhood since he knew my birth name. Although I am against it but they have a point. If he really belongs to that family, I will be in deep shit. Hell, I will probably wind up dead. All of this cannot resurface again. You guys know exactly why it can't. You guys understand right?"

"I have no words. I am literally so speechless. But this is probably the right decision. Can you contact us when you arrive?" It was like my brain had completely stopped processing. I didn't think in my wildest dreams that something like this could happen.

"Probably. Saad, Danish and Zain are going with me. Kamran will try to find me, maybe Fahad or Ibraheem too, make sure you guys don't give out any hints, alright? Just pretend to be as shocked about my disappearance as them." Zoya instructed and I was nodding my head unconsciously as if I was expecting her to see me.

"Alright. Be safe Zoya."

"Take care of yourself Zoya." Rubab finally spoke and I could tell from her voice that something was off as well. "Before you hang up, listen to me, I have news as well."

"What's up?"

"My engagement with Zohaib broke an hour ago along with a few of his bones. Fahad beat the crap out of him and then he told my parents that he was my lover who was going to take care of everything along with Zohaib."

"What the hell?" Zoya and I said in unison.

What was even going on at this point?

"He left a short while ago after taking my phone number." Rubab muttered into the phone but I am pretty sure both Zoya and I could hear her clearly.

"And how do you feel about this?" Zoya asked carefully.

"Honestly? I owe Fahad a debt now. Zohaib was going to hit me. He actually did hurt me a little but Fahad lost his temper and knocked him unconscious. I am grateful to him." Rubab's voice cracked at the end and I swear, my blood boiled just thinking of how Zohaib might have hurt Rubab.

"I will kill that asshole." Zoya seethed. "Definitely when I come back. Mark my words."

"I second that. I am with Zoya. We will murder that jerk." I added and I heard Rubab laugh softly.

"That's alright. Fahad handled it pretty well. I don't know what he has in mind but I am going to depend on him to take care of this mess. It feels nice. To rely on someone even if it someone like him. He is a clown."

"If it brings you peace Rubab, go for it. We support you till the end. Same for you Zoya. We are here for you, no matter what." I could feel Rubab and Zoya smiling on either sides of the phone.

"What about you, Misha?" Zoya's question confused me.

"What about me?"

"How are you going to tell your family about what happened today?" I was too surprised by Zoya and Rubab's news that I had completely forgotten that I was now Mrs. Ibraheem Khan Narejo.

"I honestly don't know. Only time will tell." I sighed heavily.

"Sounds fair. Wow. I never imagined the kind of turn our lives have taken. One of my friends is married to a guy without her family knowing at all. One just broke her engagement through a fake lover. And then there is me, escaping the country to avoid a man who could potentially be the cause of my death." The way Zoya said it made me break into a fit of laughter. Rubab followed and so did Zoya.

"We are really messed up huh?" I said in between laughing.

"We are." Zoya answered.

"But it's okay. We got each other." Rubab added.

"That we do. Even if we are a thousand miles away." I completed the conversation.

Author's Note:

Hello and Asalam o Alaikum lovelies!

I am so dead tired ughhh. This semester is literally no joke. It's sucking the life out of me. There are so many classes and so many classes and did I tell you? So many classes. And if that isn't bad enough there are EXTRA CLASSES. And with classes comes exams, quizzes, assignments and all that stuff. I literally only get the time to sleep a bit and go back to classes. By the end of the day, some part of my body is definitely aching. 

I don't know how I managed to pull myself together to write this chapter. I can't guarantee when the next chapter is going to be either. For the people who inboxed me or posted on my wall or under chapters asking about my well being, thank you. I loved the care and concern. It means alot. I swear.

So, how did we feel about this chapter? I know it's short but I just wanted to give you guys an update so yeah.

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