Chapter Nine

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The drive back to London was...weird. It's not like it was uncomfortable. It wasn't. You and Tom talked about all kinds of stuff. But the fact that this weekend - and your fake relationship - was coming to an end was looming over your head. Tom was leaving on a press tour tonight. That inevitably meant that he didn't need you to go on fake dates with him anymore. You tried to find the perfect moment to mention it to Tom, to ask him what was going to happen now. But you couldn't. You were too scared of the answer.


When you arrived in London, Tom drove to his place first. Tessa came rushing towards the door as soon as Tom opened it. Tom put his suitcase down and greeted her, taking her head in both his hands.

"Hi, Tessa. Did you miss me?" Tessa yipped before wriggling out of his grip, jogging over to you. "I guess that's a no." Tom laughed while you knelt down and started petting the excited staffy.

"Hey, pretty girl. You should be nicer to your owner, you know." You smiled as she attempted to lick your face.

"Tessa, get back here. Y/N has already washed her face today." Tom lightly pulled her by the collar and you got up from your knees. You heard footsteps and Harrison appeared in the doorway to the living room.

"Hey, Y/N.You feeling better?" He asked and you scrunched your eyebrows in confusion. How did he know? Did Tom tell him you threw up all night?

"Yeah, a little, do you know?" your eyes flickered between the two boys and you saw Tom's face turn red.

"Uh, yeah...about that." He rubbed his neck nervously. "Remember that live stream I did?" He looked at you and you nodded. "I uh, I kinda forgot to turn it off." He what?

"What does that mean?" You asked even though you had a pretty good idea of what it meant.

"That means, Tommy boy here live streamed you throwing up and him taking care of you. Granted it's only the sounds but..." Harrison shrugged his shoulders and looked at you sympathetically. You felt your heart sink into your stomach.

"Millions of people saw that." You muttered, your gaze fixed on the floor. While your mind was already coming up with possible tabloid articles and comments from fans. "Please tell me you can't actually hear me throw up." You looked pleadingly at Harrison who shrugged again. That was enough of an answer. "Oh no." You covered your face with your hands. When you thought to throw up in front of Tom was bad, millions of people witnessing it was even worse.

"I'm so sorry, love." Tom expressed compunctiously as he walked over to you.

"But it's gone now, right?" You removed your hands to look between Tom and Harrison again. Harrison took his phone out of his pocket and typed something.

"Well, if the video title 'Tom Holland taking care of his girlfriend for 12 minutes straight' is any indicator I would say it isn't completely gone." Harrison said after a moment making you groan.

I guess it's true what they say: the internet never forgets.

"I'm sorry." Tom said again, his hands now on your shoulders.

"For what it's worth, the comments are mostly positive." Harrison shrugged his shoulders. You ignored the fact that he said mostly but you had gotten so much hate already, you weren't even bothered anymore.

"Really? Let me see." You moved away from Tom and towards Harrison, but Harrison took a step back, holding his phone towards his chest.

"I don't know if that's a good idea."

"You can't tell me the comments are positive and then refuse to show me." You crossed your arms looking at Harrison accusingly. "You know what? I'm just gonna look at it myself." You reached into the back pocket of your jeans, retrieving your phone. You typed the video title that Harrison had mentioned earlier into the search bar and moments later a few videos popped up. You clicked on the first one. It started with Tom talking to his fans on the live stream, a row of names moving from the bottom of the screen upwards. He was talking about how excited he was for his next project when his eyes suddenly lifted from his phone to look at something behind it. Most likely you on your way to the bathroom. You saw his eyes widen before he jumped out of bed and with a loud bang the phone was thrown onto the desk. All that was visible now was the ceiling of the hotel room and the comments that kept scrolling across the screen at a rapid speed.

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