chapter 1

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"y/n, oh do be careful!" mother warned as a goose scooped me up on her beak. "it's all right, mother!" i i responded giggling as the barn animals broke out into song.
she's a funny little squirt
tiny angel in a skirt
"oh!" i slipped from the goose's beak and fell on the ground, sending dirt everywhere.

first she's mending, then baking
pretending she's making things up
finally i caved in, wanting to sing along too. i got up and swiftly wiped the dirt of my dress before i started. wanting to be productive, i started sweeping the edges of the trough that the animals drank from

who would believe the wonder of the world i see?
each little minute brings a new surprise
there's only one peculiar thing that bothers me

"her voice is rather beautiful," a goat remarked sighing contently

seeing i'm the only one my size

the barn animals continued to sing
think of all you'll save our meals
maybe if you had high heels
if you stay here forever
we know we'll never be glum
by gum

it's a great big world

"that's me!" i finished, giggling. soon, the work was done and the sun began to set so mother took me inside. "read me a story, mother! please!" i begged.

she chuckled warmly as she set me down. "now how could i say no?" and she pulled out an old brown book.

"now, here's a story about the noble dog, who saved the king from the wicked wizard." hero barked and i couldn't help but giggle, but also i felt disappointed . "once upon a time..." she began, but i had to interrupt her.

"mother.. couldn't there be any stories about little people? people like me?"

"well, actually there are, y/n! look," she scooped me up tenderly and set me down on her book. on the page was a beautiful illustration of people who looked just like me!

"wow, they are little!" i exclaimed "just like me!" suddenly i noticed something peculiar, and my nose scrunched up, a habit i did when confused. "what are those? on their backs?" i asked mother, pointing to an odd figure.

"why, they're wings, y/n. these are fairies, and fairies have wings so they can fly." i gasped, astounded by this new information. "mother, have you ever seen a fairy?" i inquired.

"well.... i thought i did once." she admitted "really?" i gasped. she chuckled, amused by my sudden interest in fairies. "yes, and here the fairy prince and princess are having a wedding!" she said pointing to the page.

"and they live happily ever after." i finished. "well, usually dear." she added. "hmm, i suppose it works best if two people are the same size." i stated sadly. "..yes of course." mother answered hesitantly.

i groaned softly and looked away from the page, a pang in my heart. "too bad i'll never have that," i mumbled to myself dejected. "it's not fair, i must be the only little person in the whole world... i wish i was big.." i sighed my eyes getting glossy.

"oh, no, y/n. please don't ever wish to be anything except for what you are. you're perfect and you shouldn't wish to change yourself. i'm sure you'll find happiness." mother reassured with a warm smile. hero began to pant excitedly in agreement. "i suppose," i mumbled back, still not fully convinced.

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