Chapter 3 Supply Closet

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I woke up at 11 am, which is way too early in my opinion.

I opened my eyes and sat up. That's when I heard it.

A vacuum.

Did my mom order a maid or something?

I swung my feet over the edge of the bed and stood up. I stretched my arms up and walked towards the door.

I went to the bathroom (because who would want there bladder to explode) and then went to investigate the noise of a vacuum.

I slowly walked down the stairs. My feet walked to where the noise was coming from.

I walked into the living room. My mom was there, vacuuming, looking like a normal mom would.

She doesn't look hungover.

She's sober for once.

And, she actually put on non-slutty clothes.


"Mom?" I said softly.

Her eyes looked at me. Her dark blue eyes lighten. She turned off the vacuum and smiled.

"Hi honey." She opened her arms. Probably wanted to hug me. I didn't come closer. I just moved back.

"Mom? Are you alright?" I was worried. She's acting... Like a mother. She put her arms down.

"Of course I am, honey." She smiled again. "I'm going to have to leave in an hour. I'm going to work." She turned the vacuum back on and continued to vacuum stuff that wasn't even there.

"Work?" I yelled over the noise. Why the sudden change?

She nods but doesn't say anything else.

I gave her a confused look before I ran to my room. I slammed the door.

"What the actual fuck." I mumbled to myself.

I looked through my dresser to find an outfit. I choose jean shorts and a loose tank top.

I grabbed my gym bag and made my way downstairs. Peeking through the kitchen. My mom was in a suit making eggs.

She turned around.

"Oh, honey? Where are you off to?" She asked, smiling. I looked at her closely.

A forced smile.

"The gym." I stated in a emotionless voice.

"Well, why don't you come and eat before you go?" Another forced smile.

"No I'm good." I said, giving her an obvious fake smile.

Almost losing her smile she says "well, breakfast is the most important meal of the day!"

"I'm not hungry" I hiked the bag higher on my shoulder before walking to the front door. Grabbing my motorcycle keys out of the key carrier, I opened the door. But I couldn't make it outside, before it was closed shut.

A plate full of eggs was forced into my hands.

"Eat up!" She tapped the part under my chin before walking back into the kitchen. This was not my mother. My mother doesn't know how to cook.

She probably poisoned them.

I put the eggs on the table next to the door and I opened it again. This time I could actually walk out.

I made my way to my motorcycle. Putting the keys in the ignition, I drove away, towards the gym. And on my way there, I thought about that boy, if I would see him again.

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