Chapter 6 Deal We Made

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I gasped, "mom!" I yelled jumping away from Oliver.

"Yes honey?" She said fake sweetly. "Why are you surprised I'm here?"

"I didn't think you'd be fucking awake. Let alone out of bed. I thought that fucking man last night would keep you busy." I straightened up and put my hands on my hips.

She's speechless.

"You can TRY to be a fucking mom. You can TRY to care, but I know one thing for sure, Alcohol is your life, men and sex are your dreams, drugs are your daydream and I'm a nightmare. So you can TRY to even think I care about your bullshit. Cause I don't, you bitch." At the end, I had gotten closer to her and put my finger on her chest.

I grabbed Oliver's hand and dragged him back upstairs to my bed. I sat on the bed and cried. I cried and cried and cried. Oliver rubbed my back and kept kissing my shoulder.

"Sorry. I'm sorry. Ugh I'm such a mess right now." I rubbed my eyes.

"It's fine." He kissed my cheek, "you're still beautiful."

I blushed."Well." I stood up. "School time."

I passed my mirror. My eyes were red and puffy.

I grabbed Oliver's arm once again and ran downstairs. I passed my living room, seeing my mom sitting on the couch, staring at the floor, probably rethinking her life. I smirked and opened the front door.

I straddled my bike and put my helmet on. Oliver went behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I started the bike.

With that, I was off. I parked a block away from school.

"Why'd you park so far away?" He asked.

"Kids at school don't know I have a bike." I said putting my helmet on the grip.

"Really?" He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I shrugged it off and walked a few steps ahead of him.

"Hey! What are you doing?" He runs up behind you, you walk faster.

"Getting away from you." You start to jog away from him.

"Don't you remember? If you don't let me kiss you, I'll tell the WHOLE school." He threatened.

I froze, even after all the happened last night and this morning, he still would tell everyone.

"You wouldn't dare!" I shouted at him.

"Watch me." He said crossing his arms over his chest.

I pushed him, "Fuck you, bastard." He let me hit his chest over and over again.

A few minutes past and I was getting tired. Tears rolled down my cheeks and Oliver wasn't doing anything about it. I stopped hitting him.

I was about to walk away, but something stopped me. I look at my wrist, his hand is wrapped around it. I couldn't look into his eyes, but his other hand made me look up. My vision was blurry, so it was hard to focus on his face, so I looked at what was behind him.

A couple walking, holding hands, was nearby. They seem to be watching us, listening to us.

I look back at him.

"I'm sorry, but that's the deal we made." The hand that was still on my chin, dragged my face towards his, but before his lips touched mine, he moved his hand to the back of my neck and said "I'm so sorry."

He closed the gap quickly.

I heard the couple giggle behind him. Oliver ignored it and pulled me closer against him. I didn't kiss him back. He noticed this and tried slipping his tongue into my mouth. I tried pulling away, but his hold on me got tighter.

I gave up.

I kiss him back with lots of force, my hand behind his neck, playing with his hair.

I heard an bunch of "AW's" behind us and I realized we had a crowd.

I tried pulling away, but yet again his grip got tighter.

He smirked against the kiss and licked my lower lip for an entrance. I allowed his and his tongue explored my mouth. One of his hands wrapped around my waist, and squeezed my butt.

I squealed in the kiss. People laughed around us.

I used all my force to push him away, it worked. I pushed against his chest and he stumbled backwards. Confusion in his eyes.

I looked around, we had about 3 different couples and a bunch of other people around us.

"Kiss again!" they chanted over and over again.

He looked at me, lust in his eyes. He held his hand out, I debated whether or not to grab it. People got quiet around us, looking at our hands. Probably thinking "grab it."

I moved closer and closer to his hand. I extended mine and grabbed his. He smiled. An actual smile.

He pulled me to him. Behind me I heard a little girl ask, "Mommy, what are they doing?" And the mom replied, "They are falling in love." I blushed at that and he kissed my cheek. We gazed at each others eyes.

He took me by surprise when he picked me up from under my butt.

And when he kissed me while doing it.

"Mommy, is this what love is?" The little girl asked again. "What do you think love is?" The mom said back.

"Love is when you hold them real tight and never let go."

"Then you are correct."


Are they in love? Who knows.

I am so sorry I haven't wrote in a while, school has been a hassle. I'll try to write soon, but i doubt that will happen. I might make this a short story because I'm running out of ideas for this story. Maybe 1 or 2 chapters left.


Much love,


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