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someday, the concert season that has brought them together will end, but of course, the story won't stop there.

someday, the orchestra director will look upon those two young men he's taken under his wing, and he will offer them permanent spots in the orchestra. they will agree to it, because the people there have become like family, and they owe it all to the director for such a chance to perform together in the first place.

someday, cynthia will stop teasing them about how long it had taken them to see the light, but not before she stops crowing about how she's paved the way for them to be together. it's true to some degree, so they will not try to argue otherwise.

someday, various people will thank both of them separately for finally having the courage to confess to each other, because they're so tired of watching the two of them dance around each other for so long. they will blush and they will stutter, but they will ultimately smile and nod. it's taken them some time, but—at long last.

someday, eddy chen will move overseas to pursue further studies in music. someday, brett yang will follow him—wherever he goes, because they're strong apart, but they're stronger together, and they'll never want to leave each other alone. they will both go on to gain acclaim as soloists and esteemed musicians, but they will stay humble, because that is what the other person would want, and they are trying their best to become better for each other.

someday, a letter penned in elizabeth chen's hand will make its way to brett yang's doorstep, something very close to acceptance written out in elegant script. someday, brett yang will cry on eddy chen's shoulder over the mother he has lost, and the mother who is on her way to considering him worthy of her son. they will sit together watching the sunset, and they will learn how to comfort each other best.

someday, there will be fights and there will be tears, because they aren't perfect people, and they know each other too well so they'll know how to hurt each other if they want to. but always, always—there will be forgiveness. there will be promises to right their wrongs, promises to grow better. they're both a work in progress, but they are doing this, the two of them against the ever-changing world. they will want it no other way.

someday, the story will end at a familiar bus stop. the day will be hot, the sun will be burning, and two violinists will meet each other under the shade again. someday, the words will you marry me, please will be spoken aloud, nervous but sure. someday, the words yes, of course, there's no other answer for me will be given in response, trembling but jubilant.

someday, they will always be happy. someday, they will always be together.

• • •

ending notes ;

and that's that. this is the end of distraction: you. the road was full of speed bumps that the characters had overcome, and it was a good lesson in terms of developing characters for me! and on the flip side, there was a lot of incredibly tooth-rotting fluff, but hey, if it brings happiness and gooey feelings upon reading, then i'm glad to think that i've done my part. brett and eddy's story in this universe isn't done, but this—a happy and hopeful end—is where we will leave them.

thank you to all the readers, to all the friends who listened to my complaints and worries and excited ramblings, to everyone who liked and commented and shared their time with me in reading this fic—i love you all very much 💖 i hope to see you all again for my next works!

— merri

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